Version 7 (modified by Jacob, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Some tickets

TOC(noheading, inline)

Ready for 1.1


DatabaseWrapper are not GC and connections are not closed

1.1 review


SelectBox.js with grouping (optgroup elements)
Add support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) to core
Document presumed order of foreign keys on intermediate M2M model
Allow url and groups of urls to be easily tagged and selected
Integrate dj-database-url into Django
Add support for using indexes in update() for ArrayFields.
Add support for `UUIDAutoField` `DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`
Accessibility improvements for admin breadcrumbs
ModelBase metaclass implementation prevents addition of model fields via __init_subclass__
Filtering on annotated TruncSecond expression gives unexpected result.
DatabaseWrapper are not GC and connections are not closed
Validation of UniqueConstraint with Case() crashes.
Links in the Django admin should be underlined.
Add generic support for order by to Aggregate
Dictionary based EMAIL_PROVIDERS settings
Improve performance replacing os.listdir() with os.scandir()
Upgrade django.core.mail to use Python's modern email API
ExclusionConstraint that includes a ForeignKey fails validation in ModelForm
Add default automatic imports to shell
Signals are dispatched to receivers associated with dead senders
Makemigrations not properly tracking changes to unmanaged models
Model subclass with __init_subclass__ doesn't get correct _meta instance
Allow customization of the blank option in select dropdowns
Documentation on "Changing a ManyToManyField to use a through model" does not respect database index
Add async interface to Paginator
Admin "Change password" Button Visible with Only "Can view user" Permission
Custom lookup example raises TypeError when looked up against a Subquery
Make Django release artifacts PEP 625 compliant
Expressions that divide an integer field by a constant decimal.Decimal returns inconsistent decimal places on PostgreSQL
IntegrityError: null value in column "_order" when bulk_create()
Ambiguity of the 'DELETE' text when a TabularInline object does not exist
Document that Postgres normalizes a range field with no points normalizes to empty
LiveServerTestCase fails in parallel test runner if django.contrib.auth.backends has not yet been imported
Explicitly introduce lazy references in early sections of the docs before they are used.
Remove the geographic database functions summary table
The link is not displayed when str is blank in admin.
Document the necessity of adding unique constraints to related models in intermediary m2m model.
Add "ABSENT ON NULL" to JsonArray
Simplify ADMINS and MANAGERS email list settings
Annotation with `%` in alias fails at db level on Postgres and MySQL
Change mail APIs to (mostly) keyword-only parameters
Unique Constraints defined with __date lookups on F expressions fail validation but create database constraints sucessfully
ModelChoiceField/ModelMultipleChoiceField.clean() should catch ValidationError raised by the queryset operations
Use PEP 448 unpacking to concatenate iterables

Bugs left in 1.1


Bi-Directional ManyToMany in Admin
High-level feed framework should make more feed elements available
Permissions don't get translated in admin interface
Add drag and drop ordering for inlines to set order_with_respect_to in admin interface
Primary keys should be readonly by default in admin
QuerySet.filter(m2mfield__isnull=False) may return duplicates
Custom tags and filters can be restricted by namespace
ManyToManyField ignores 'default' option
Enable admin log display to be restricted to a specific site
full text search support for postgres, oracle and mssql
DatabaseWrapper should pass through args and kwargs to underlying database adapter
extend Atom feed support for other fields
oracle: syncdb fails with ORA-06552 when a fieldname is a keyword
Add some i18n hooks to DateFormat
Allow inline fields to be "mixed in" with the models' own fields
Shouldn't the item_enclosure_url automatically prefixed with the current site?
Cache inline ForeignKey options
Capitalized verbose names for models
MySQL Collations/Charsets and Engines
Allow custom attributes in Meta classes
decorator_from_middleware can cause middleware hooks to run out of correct order.
Adds per-view cache refreshing (clearing)
cycle template tag should accept a single argument
Allow admin fieldsets to be collapsible but not initially collapsed
Add generic support for database schemas
% symbols not escaped in db_column column names when preparing queries
Login page is redisplayed without any message if AdminSite.has_permission() returns False
Allow using custom gettext domains
Remove customization-unfriendly admin template tags
Add selected and enabled_from for JS calendar
pre_delete should be sent before collecting ForeignKey relationships
Inability to define DNS_NAME in django.core.mail results in e-mail messages being rejected or marked as spam
Make ModelForm multiple inheritance possible
inspectdb fails in MySql if a table references a table outside the current schema
Multi-table inheritance: Add the ability create child instance from existing parent
Provide the ability for model definitions that are only availably during testing
Better way of testing for cookies
When using can_order=True on formset, ordered_forms is not avaible when formset.is_valid() is false
Replace get_absolute_url with more sane alternative
Add a new meta option: don't do count(*) in admin
Add "Recent Actions" panel to app_index template
Add a default option to list_filter in the admin interface
File storage and save/commit=False
Add ability to delete selected vector features within the Geodjango/OpenLayers Admin map interface
Nested Inline Support in Admin
Extend inclusion tag syntax to allow custom templates
URL arguments to set values of fields in admin don't work for inlines
Conditional content of template blocks
Make the {% include %} strip a trailing newline
"Virtual" behaviour for signal dispatcher and model inheritance
Unable to subclass form Media class
Add a traceback to each query in CursorDebugWrapper
"This field is required" error even on empty inlines formsets in the admin model page, when hiding a choice field of a custom form.
Made month and year selectable in admin calender widget.
Check out behaviour of wsgi backend with PATH_INFO being an empty string
FieldFile assumes efficient Storage.size
icontains can be case-sensitive on MySQL
Admin does not correctly prefill DataTimeField from URL
Make IfNode a baseclass for other if nodes to subclass
Generic Foreign Keys should have a nice widget(ala raw_id)
Multiple table annotation failure
for_share() as well as for_update() addition to Model.QuerySet
Fix / Add support for radiobuttons after adding item with popup in Django Admin
Support a related_default on OneToOne fields
FileFields can't be set to NULL in the db
Add a form instantiation hook for contrib.admin add/change views
provide declarative syntax to define FormSets - including ModelFormSet and InlineFormSet
HTML accents not escaped out when using forms
Response.set_cookie should allow setting two cookies of the same name.
Add class name interpolation in Meta.permissions codenames
ModelAdmin.queryset() is missing a mechanism for specifying different querysets for changelist and change object views
Impossible to stop a large file upload mid-stream
ModelFormMetaclass does not provide easy way of extending
Add an option to disable display of related items on admin's delete confirmation page (to prevent large memory usage on complex objects)
Site app should be able to make absolute URLs.
Allow users to override forward and reverse relationships on proxy models with !ForeignKey fields.
Admin for group doesn't allow to easily add users to the group
ForeignKey/OneToOneField should support user-defined id attribute name
Django administration Model list always shows Decimal with decimal places
Admin action 'Delete selected' check only global model delete permission
cache_page and last_modified decorators can't be used together
Django's TestCase should reset the cache
session.flush should not delete the old session
F() expressions don't allow assignment of Foreign Key values on instances
raw_id_fields requires that the user has change permissions on the model class that is being linked to
Unable to query TextField against oracle nclob 10Gr4
Incomplete support for app-level testing
Allow list_editable form fields to be customized separately from changeform fields.
verbose_name should allow dynamical translation based on a number
Placeholder for through value in ManyToManyField of abstract class
djangoadmin loaddata gives odd error if it runs out of memory
Add extra_context to admin action delete_selected
test client fails to collect sub-contexts
Show admin actions on the edit pages too
Model fields are not accessible as attributes of the model class
contrib.admin.RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper.__deepcopy__() should copy() the widget attrs
FileSystemStorage does file I/O inefficiently, despite providing options to permit larger blocksizes
ManyToManyField with through model can't be used in admin
Allow custom management commands to define bash completion arguments
PREPEND_WWW breaks the test client
ModelAdmin ignores dynamic fields of ModelForm
contrib.admin's JavaScript functions should be namespaced
calendar.js depends on jsi18n but date widgets using it do not specify as required media
Deleting an inline can delete the whole inlined model instance recursively
Improve KML Serialization
Add multi-field validators
Feature: Selector Inlines
#12529 syncdb doesn't check tables by using mangled names with Oracle backend
If all fields are readonly or editable=False, their ModelForm is always valid and can raise exceptions
AutoSlugField, that can recreate unique slugs during saving.
Prevent deletion of some rows in a formset
Added support for Extent aggregate on mysql databases
Allow loading template tags by fully qualified python module path
not possible to validate a many-to-many at the model
MySQL full text search in admin
admin list_editable with unique_together raises Integrity Error
Template tag "perms" doesn't support object level permission checking
Allow the prefix used for empty_form on FormSets to be customized
style of m2m readonly_fields in admin change_form
Modify RelatedManager and ManyRelatedManager add() and remove() to accept QuerySets and iterables
Allow `color_style()` and `parse_color_setting()` to be used with custom colour palettes.
Custom Default Manager with extra __init__ arguments fails if model is used in a ManyToManyField
"FileField" validation does not account for "upload_to" when counting characters
FileField/ImageField accessor methods throw unnecessary exceptions when they are blank or null.
Date(Time)Field.to_python() fails to parse localized month names
Should be easier to add a MultipleChoice for reverse relationships on ModelAdmins
Messages should have an "expire" flag
db_table truncation is applied based on the properties of the default database
The delete confirmation page does not check for object-level permissions when building the related list
Need a contextprocessor for current site
Provide class attributes for form fields
Make the request accessible in callables used in ModelAdmin.list_display
Enable admin permission checks from outside the ModelAdmin
ModelFormSet may query wrong database backend
loaddata should issue a warning when attempting to load data using an unknown serialization format even when it is unspecified
Signal inconsistency between auto_created and manually defined intermediate models for m2m fields
Allow context processors access to current version of context
contrib.admin:list_editable - ForeignKey performance is O(m*n)
Formset validation refactoring and valid_forms property of fieldsets
method_decorator doesn't supports decorators with arguments
SelectBox.js with grouping (optgroup elements)
Add generator version of Template.render(Context)
Multiple popup window feature of related objects popup through id_to_windowname
abstract file upload/download handling
Cannot access POST after request.encoding was set to a custom value
FileField special-casing breaks MultiValueField including a FileField
Validating form file fields is hard
#14087 only sees commands in the last package of a namespace package
Slovenian translation plural-forms
Support for string interpolation in lazy translation
TEST_MIRROR is not respected in routers
list_display should be able to contain sortable references to annotated fields
Make template-rendering signals available also in DEBUG mode
Exclude query with multiple conditions for the same multi-value relation not correct
BaseInlineFormSet does not support "auto_id"
Model Field Order not influenced by MRO of superclasses
Admin inlines with file/image field fails to save_as
Impossible to create inline objects if form validates but is unchanged
i18n blocktrans tag pluralization feature limited by gettext constraints and shared local tag context
TextField with unique (or in unique_together) constraint breaks for large inputs in Postgres
Add support for translation backends other than gettext
Mixing read-only with ability to add new instances using a FormSet
Using annotation before and after filter gives wrong results
Model.validate_unique method doesn't take in account multi-db
Ordinal numbers in English and in other locales
django.test.client.Client.login fake HttpRequest is not run through middlewares
replace SelectFilter2.js with a jQuery plugin
Admin DateTimeShortcuts + Inlines performance
Distinct queries will cause errors with some custom model fields
IndexError: list index out of range caused by inline formsets
Using get_readonly_fields and StackedInline/TabularInline admin objects doesn't allow creating new objects, immutible existing objects
Generic Foreign Keys break when used with multi-db.
No easy way to get default model values into a ModelForm for validation
Add support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) to core
list_editable should respect per-object permissions
ImageField having [width|height]_field set sytematically compute the image dimensions in ModelForm validation process
cache_page decorator bypasses any Vary headers set in middleware
multipart/form-data filename="" not handled as file
FilteredSelectMultiple does not respect order
SITE_CACHE does not invalidate in multiprocess environments
Cyclic reference in FieldFile causes memory usage to grow considerably
Allow disabling choices in a <select>
Ability to change dismissRelatedLookupPopup on custom callback function
Form field documentation documents optional keyword arguments as field attributes.
FilePathField should include blank option even when required=True
Support for database links
Allow refresh of path choices for FilePathField
Admin history view should also show history of super-object(s)
Consider a different interface for get_next_by_FOO and get_previous_by_FOO
Provide real support for virtual fields
Provide keyboard shortcuts in admin
In Django models, save/delete preconditions would help in handling optimistic concurrency control problems
Unnecessary join when using a reverse foreign-key filter and reverse foreign-key aggregate call
Support server-side cursors for queryset iteration in database backends
Django's WSGI Handler should report exceptions to the start_response() callback
serializing forms which use FilteredSelectMultiple
Unable to have abstract model with unique_together
Multi-db without a 'default' database
Backtracking URL resolver
contrib.admin should use a variable to select base_site template
Models with GenericRelation are unnecessarily validated for clashes in reverse manager accessor
LayerMapping - entries skipped when ForeignKey field has related model missing and null = True
Strengthen the makemessages command's safe-guarding of po files
Send templated email.
Dogfood class-based views in contrib.admin
determine and document the use of default option in context of FileField
Multipartparser shouldn't leave request.POST/request.FILES mutable
[nonrel] Support for non-integer AutoFields
Allow ordering override on ManyToManyField
DateDetailView should accept less specific dates, ie Year/Month or just Year
ModelAdmin.ordering validation too strict
edge case: django.test.client should handle fields and files with the same name
django_admin_log searches are slow
{% if %} template tag silences exceptions inconsistently
No m2m_changed signal sent to when referenced object is deleted
Admin's Recent Actions broken for multiple admin site instances with unique registered models
Internationalizing URL Patterns Redirect should be 404
Add a way to override related_name on models that you can't edit
ETag generated from empty content can break http caching
Add database-specific checks for the maximum supported values of DecimalField max_digits, decimal_places
Implement BaseModelAdmin.get_raw_id_fields, similar to get_readonly_fields
Make sessions more robust
order_with_respect_to should construct set_RELATED_order() method name from related_name
django.contrib.sites.managers.CurrentSiteManager should be able to span multiple models
Uploading a file ending with a backslash fails
Management shell should make it easy to force LOGGING_CONFIG=None
FileField should not reuse FieldFiles
Create the non-existing specified directory when running startapp
BaseGenericInlineFormSet in Django Admin does not set generic foreign key fields when constructing form
limit_choices_to won't limit correctly
Non image file can be saved to ImageField
`BaseInlineFormSet` should attempt to get it's queryset from it's instance related manager before falling back to it's model's default manager
Adding support for PEP 302 importers
Allow retrieval of the signature age using the signing API
Support for model properties that are not fields in LayerMapping
Media files should be served using file storage API
Allow registering custom admin views with the admin's index
Flexible filters for django admin
Allow Oracle DatabaseWrapper to support session options extra kwargs as settings.DATABASE_OPTIONS
persist a socket across reloads of the dev server
FilteredSelectMultiple loses data
LineString array method (property) returns different data type without and with NumPy installed
Add a way to add items to the admin's object tools using Python code
Generic Relation not cascading with Multi table inheritance.
session data should always contain the expiry date
Check that cache keys are string
BaseGenericInlineFormSet runs validation methods before linking form instances to their related object
ModelAdmin.formfield_overrides is ignored for fields with choices
Allow customized ModelState classes
Increase the max_length of Redirect.old_path/new_path
Allow QuerySet.bulk_create() to set the primary key of its objects
IntegrityError during ManyToMany add() on Oracle or for user-defined through relationships.
Cookie message storage does not set Vary: Cookie
ModelAdmin exclude behaviour not consistent with ModelAdmin behaviour
Incremental filter
django_bash_completion clobbers upstream completion of ‘python’
Improve connection reset under PostgreSQL
QuerySet.exclude() does not work with lists containing a 'None' element.
Upload handlers provide no way to retrieve previously parsed POST variables
Reverse related manager should be a manager INSTANCE, not CLASS
Unify subquery generation in the ORM
get_deleted_objects does not check permissions on proxy model objects without ModelAdmin
Django problematic when Oracle when column/table names are mixed case
AnonymousUser should follow custom User implementation
using registration/logged_out.html template overrides admin logout
Have a template tag grammar instead of handling token/parser for every tag, and make it possible to introspect the grammar.
Provide official hooks for execution profiling
Allow use of prepared statements
Unnecessary join created for intermediate table between two M2M tables
Duplicate fixture labels
contrib.auth.handlers.modwsgi fails for some backends
Allow extending the default auth permissions
Custom backend get_user function is assumed to search by primary key
staticfiles and serving post-processed files through development server
Add validation for type of Field.choices arguments
Error signals are not reliable, especially when dealing with database errors
A more Object-Oriented URLResolver
User Auth: A Complete Solution for Email Login Handling
Remove django.test.client dependency on django.contrib.auth (and .sessions?)
Internally choosing how to process a template is inconsistent
Offer the ability to store a hash of session IDs rather than the ID itself
collectstatic post-processing fails for references inside comments
Admin: Support for editing OneToOne related models in RELATED model
runtests might execute queries against the normal database instead of the testdatabase
Add read only support for Oracle XE to django.contrib.gis
Using dumpdata to create unit test fixtures causes duplicate foreign keys for auth permissions. Excluding auth causes other referenced auth models to be missing.
Fix commented out tests in serializers.test_data
Add login rate limiting to contrib.auth
Add on_update support
Remove contrib.redirects dependency on contrib.sites
changepassword option to read from stdin
BaseCommand should use logging instead of custom output wrappers
Configurable request parsing.
Ignoring certain fields on INSERT and UPDATE queries
Add pre_update and post_update signals
Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
TestCase with multiple assertRaises fails with TransactionManagementError
FileSystemStorage._save() Should Save to a Temporary Filename and Rename to Attempt to be Atomic
Embed raw queries as subqueries when used with an __in filter
Provide a way to define a model without being registered into the app registry / Get rid of get_registered_model
When running tests fixture error output isn't visible
Unable to prevent creation of a database during test runs
additional context for included templates can override current context
Make request exception handling more robust to subsequent exceptions
auth.User Email - non-RFC spec case normalization
dumpdata should not use router.allow_migrate
Django doesn't log much at high verbosity levels
Add support for database-level cascading options
makemessages still ignores translations in templates with inline comment tags
Add optional gunicorn support to runserver
Allow Media objects to have their own MEDIA_TYPES
Automatically reload i18n files on change, when DEBUG is True
TestClient serialization of GET params with empty list as value
XML deserializer strips leading whitespace on loaddata
Unnecessary creation of index for ManyToManyField
Allow model level custom lookups
Reversing admin URLs requires undocumented filter admin_urlquote.
better tutorial for geodjango
Rename Form Media to Static (or get rid of Form Media completely?)
provide ability to abort URL resolution early
LiveServerTestCase handles error messages inconsistently
Colorize output of test results
Support byte range requests in django.views.static.serve
provide a way to prevent database queries on model objects
Inconsistent behavior when a QuerySet is sliced
Exceptions using date-based generic views with MySQL, USE_TZ=True and bad data
LANGUAGE_CODE should be automatically set based on system locale
GenericIPAddressField index never used on PostgreSQL
inspectdb not support database schema on postgresql with name different of "public"
inlines with sliced and ordered querysets save incorrectly when underlying data has changed since page load
Improve SingleObjectMixin
Allow PasswordResetForm email to render URLs based on the current namespace
prefetch_related isn't as effecient as it could be with GenericForeignKey and proxy models
Migrating from an auto to natural key with foreign model and 'to' FK
Management command sqlall should support unmanaged models
unique_for_date error message in Field has untranslated param lookup_type
No validation error when ForeignKey related_name clashes with manager name.
Deprecate auto_now and auto_now_add and document alternatives
Migration fails when removing explicit primary key
Add database-backend-specific checks
Add migrations support for adding ManyToMany "through" model
QuerySet.only() fail to work with reverse o2o relationships
Cascaded deletion of polymorphic models fails
Add an option to avoid slow date_hierarchy queries on a big tables
Use a temporary folder to store uploaded files during tests
Fixtures: Natural Key support for Generic Foreign Keys
Management command dbshell does not use DATABASE[...]['OPTIONS'] to set env PGOPTIONS
Django uses unnecessary join in concrete inheritance
Remove .mo files from the Django Git repository
DatabaseCache must implement incr to guarantee atomic increment
CircularDependencyError when squashing migrations
Unable to create template tag which behaves similar to {% verbatim %}
Verbatim tag fails to render curly braces
GenericForeignKey should be indexed
remove/add fields programatically in modelform fails in admin
removal of concrete Model from bases doesn't remove it from ModelState bases
Hook for default QuerySet filtering defined on the QuerySet itself.
Prevent silent extension of explicit GROUP BY when using order_by
Staff (not superusers) should not manage perms of Users
Rename operations should rename indexes, constraints, sequences and triggers named after their former value
“add” button for related fields in admin interface should send 'limit_choices_to' parameter to add form
Prevent `ContentType.objects.get_for_model` from creating objects for deferred, auto_created and swapped models
Allow assertNumQueries to clear caches before it runs
sessions.backends.cache.SessionStore does not respect settings.SESSION_SERIALIZER
Optimisation idea for Paginator object
Test failures on Oracle/Python3
Add custom SelectRelated classes
Sliced QuerySets in ModelChoiceField
Migrating between Geography / Geometry types fails
db_manager() method doesn't increment creation_counter
Support for Meta.constraints validation in BaseModelFormSet.validate_unique().
Allow AlterOrderWithRespectTo to order existing data
Filtering using __in on a count annotated queryset returns empty results
Unique=True on TextField or CharField should not create an index
make admin not require context_processors
Document or improve limitations for doing queries in field defaults
string_if_invalid doesn't provide information in many cases
Optimisation: adding multiple fields to same model should attempt to run single ALTER TABLE statement
RFC 2231 Section 4.1 is not implemented
Use sub-query in ORM when distinct and order_by columns do not match
isinstance checks on ForeignKey/ManyToManyField should be replaced with field.many_to_one/field.many_to_many
Signals have unclear & inconsistent transaction handling
Model field names, lookups and transforms should be checked for collisions.
Simplify Query.build_filter()
Support for UNLOGGED tables in PostgreSQL
Make it possible to import models safely at any time
Deprecate the class_prepared signal
Deprecate field.rel, replace it with real field instances
Add EnumField model/form fields
Combine ALTER TABLE .. MODIFY statements for multiple columns into one statement.
Migrate only required models to the "other" database
Querying a reverse ForeignObject relation using exclude() fails
ATOMIC_REQUESTS add extra queries if the view was already in a transaction
Add a new QuerySet operation to use current results as a subquery
Serialization of base classes is not customizable for migrations
Improve sqlmigrate to be more flexible and allow bypassing migrations on disk
Add a helpful message when running tests with models without migrations
Migrations are crashing after changing foreign key from auth.Group model to a proxy model of auth.Group
django.apps.registry.populate() does not handle failures in app_config.ready()
Attempt to create object with repeated value on a custom PK raises IntegrityError on wrong field
Migration plan may be broken when applying migrations on a clean database
Restrict extending and including to require templates from the same engine.
Add test for untested condition in admin_list template tag.
Explicitly raise an exception if ManyToManyField._get_m2m_attr fails to match
Confusing error message when using only/defer through deleted related field
Response "context" and "templates" not available in the Test Client when using Jinja2 - Django 1.8
Support adding an SQL comment in queries
Model fields that reference settings that differ between dev and prod trigger the autodetector
Migrations should only be marked as run on "their" db
Support for Moving a model between two Django apps
Allow flush management command to drop tables and re-run migrations
Implementation of global permissions
Add or document a way to test data migrations
Data Migration from Fixture
Add logging of applied/unapplied migrations
Reopen database connection automatically when no transaction is active
FileField with callable default raises error with forms
Add process_lhs() method for Transform
makemigrations should create empty migrations dir for any installed app without it
Database type NUMERIC with no parameters is not supported
Add UUIDField, RangeField, JSONField, etc to database introspection
Make FormSet management forms optional
Move admin changelist filters into a separate class (Mixin)
Provide/log related args (SQL query, params, proc) with database errors
Discrepancy between /admin/ DateTimePicker.js date format and SHORT_DATE_FORMAT in /en/ lang
Metaclass conflict when doing createmigrations in ModelState.render
ModelFormSet: allow swapping unique values
In the event of a failure, make migrations output the operation that failed
Filter reference field on model to a date difference raise a TypeError
update_or_create doesn't understand F() operations
Add a more friendly widget for HStoreField
Change to Query.get_count() causes big performance hit
inspectdb crashes if SQLite foreign key references sqlite_master
Incorrect query arising from using NOT-clauses & multiple relation references affected node position in Q
makemigrations unable to generate necessary migration for making a superclass abstract
Inconsistent availability of data from migrations in TestCases when using --keepdb
DB Backend cannot specify query class.
Permission strings don't uniquely identify permissions
Multiplying and dividing connectors for duration expressions are not supported on SQLite and MySQL.
Allow a limit_choices_to callable to accept the current model instance
Altitude of Point object for equality check
ModelAdmin actions don't get access to the ActionForm
Allow url and groups of urls to be easily tagged and selected
URL Validator to check only hostname part without domain nor tld
Enforce calling resolve_expression before as_sql on all expressions
Can't use PostGIS function ST_OrderingEquals with GeoDjango
Allow skipping IN clause on prefetch queries
Django test teardown fails when there is no default database
Reusing databases doesn't work on PostgreSQL for migrations tests
Improve error reporting when loading invalid JSON fixtures
Cannot QuerySet.update DateRangeField using F() expressions
Difficult to customize model field default_validators and have them used on both model and form fields
Template `if` tag behavior change with 1.8, OneToOneField, RelatedObjectDoesNotExist is True?
django.contrib.auth should include support for 2fa out of the box
Allow update() with aggregates and joins via subqueries
Recent Actions admin section contains link to edit form even when user does not have edit permission
Add warning to an admin list_view if too many queries are being used
Response time in WSGIRequestHandler.log_request
Parameters are not adapted or quoted in Query.__str__
Support CSP default-src 'self' on Django Admin GIS
Make 'request' available to syndication.Feed methods
ArrayField does not work with FileField
Optimize numberformat.format
Inefficient Queries Generated due to not using WHERE EXISTS
DateTimeShortcuts.js could try and consume all DATE_INPUT_FORMATS.
Django migrations not picking up max_length change on FileField
Add a trans/blocktrans option to force HTML escaping
Forms created by formset_factory's extra parameter don't have instance set
Organize tests in tests/queries
Add system check for project-wide database table name conflicts
Failure when using expressions.DateTime on NULL values and aggregating
Negated clauses' "isnull" added term does not take field transforms into account
Query's str() method fails when 'default' database is empty
FK constraints are not checked at the end of nested atomic blocks
Disabled ModelMultipleChoiceField can't handle querysets as an initial value
A new implementation for exclude() queries
Admin listview could handle a table wider than the screen more elegantly
Invalid migration generated when using order_with_respect_to and a unique_together constraint
Allow SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin to get a template_name from form_class if it's a ModelForm
Squashing migrations with preserve_default=False keeps the default
Jinja2 rendered templates are not safe by default
Convert contrib.flatpages views to class-based views
StaticFilesStorage permits leading slash, CachedStaticFilesStorage doesn't
Cannot rollback to a savepoint explicitly after an IntegrityError when autocommit is disabled
Add support for PostgreSQL's array_append to ArrayField
Allow override of hardcoded defaults in model Field.formfield()
admin_order_field ignored when shadowing model field
Inconsistent behaviour of filter() on related model (RelatedManager)
Allow auth machinery to be used without installing auth app
Investigate applying transitive reduction to migration graph.
Make EmailValidator use HTML5 validation rather than more complicated regular expressions
Inconsistent results of QuerySet count() method using PostgreSQL backend prior and post the QuerySet evaluation
Allow providing DecimalField with a custom context
Allow finer granularity in the ability to silence checks
Implement support for TABLESAMPLE
Batch operations on large querysets
set_language with i18n_patterns doesn't work all the time
Introduce Storage and FileSystemStorage alternate save behaviour
Allow Prefetch query to use .values()
Add an option to silence collectstatic clashing files warnings
Add system check for field choices using unorderable iterables
BaseCache incr method will reset the timeout
Error when running sqlmigrate after dropping index (of index_together) without actually migrating
Update decorator_from_middleware to work with new-style middleware
Defered constraint checks flush after `post_delete` signal
Automatically apply Cast based on output_field
Why not using AppConfig's name attribute instead of app_name in
Oracle DBs: Add option to use VARCHAR2 data type
Add examples for KMLSitemap and KMZSitemap
Django silently discarding the user-provided on_delete with GenericRelation
Backward operation for RemoveField does not allow a default value in case the field is not null.
Changing of model's verbose_name does not change the names of the model's permissions
Expose verbosity level in migrations
Add a statistics option to makemessages
DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS not taken into account in admin mass actions
New migrations not applied on clone databases (sqlite) when using --parallel and --keepdb option
MinValueValidator/MaxValueValidator not forwarded to form field for ModelForm
Allow easy removal of "novalidate" in admin
Make EmailValidator accept non-ASCII characters in local part
Take indexes into account in inspectdb command
connection.is_usable() raises AttributeError after the connection is closed
`as_manager` on QuerySet should pass down `use_in_migrations` to new Manager instance
Queries involving postgres Array fields can't include expressions as elements
Make Flatpage swappable
AdminForm may crash if model_admin argument is None
Investigate RenameMethodsBase effect on yaml serialization
Refresh fields that are expressions after
Allow using aggregates in ModelAdmin.list_display
Selecting multiple admin list_filters across relations return results that don't match both filters
Make Form subclasses combine Form.Media from all parents
Circular ForeignKeys between two unmanaged models produce incomplete migrations
Offer a solution for static file serving suitable for production use
Adding an AutoField prompts for a default which creates a broken migration
Variant of FilePathField that uses a Storage backend
Add the 'raw' argument with the 'm2m_changed' signal
Provide an easy way to test sending of signals
Allow declaring a GenericRelation from an abstract model to another abstract model
SRID should be stored in DB on MySQL backend
Allow EmailMessage to load attachments from the Storage API
Use a datepicker widget for Date[Time]RangeField in admin
Use QuerySet.select_for_update() in admin change form to fix race condition
ModelAdmin.formfield_overrides on ManyToManyField isn't compatible with CheckboxSelectMultiple
Renaming a model doesn't rename the permission name and codename
Provide a way for to-many rels to be used without the db
Allow custom keyword arguments to modelform_factory in ModelFormMixin
support geodetic distance calculation on MySQL 5.7+
Make host validation run on all requests
add special field for storing content types
Store the DB used in the state before calling Model._save_table()
Add a TransactionMiddleware
Optimize ORM by using more immutable data structures
Move Settings.__init__ checks to system checks
Add QuerySet support for group by modifiers and OLAP functionality
Remember scroll position in list screen after coming back from edit screen - remove autofocus from search field
contrib.postgres.ArrayField with choices should use TypedMultipleChoiceField as its default form field class
#27732 SearchRank doesn't handle SearchVectorField references
Add a helpful error message when a parallel test worker is assigned an unexpected index
Investigate if reloading old relational fields in migration operations' state_forwards is needed
Database migration fail when removing a child model containing only foreignkeys in a multi-table inheritance context on MySQL
Add signals for Django management commands
Teardown of a PG test database fails if it is an autogenerated test_MYDB database
Fix and test admin_order_field set for the __str__ of a model
Hard to diagnose reason for 400 response when making test request that sets SERVER_NAME
Signed cookies does not support custom expiry
Investigate increased memory usage in tests when calling migrate without available_apps set
Allow for more dynamic ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration
prefetch_related fails with SQLite when used with 1000 parent records
Excluding a reverse relation produces inconsistent queries
Management command exceptions should be logged
Use __set_name__ to replace some usages of contribute_to_class.
Add form signals (pre_init, post_init, pre_clean, post_clean, etc.)
Allow squashmigrations to create a fresh set of migrations and delete the old ones
Add ManifestStaticFilesStorage option to remove original (non-hashed) files after processing
Permission classes for Class Based Views
Allowing logging the queryset location for a given query
Postgres prefix searching for full text search
Allow generic date views to use related fields as date_field
TemplateSyntaxError should contain template name
Allow fields to specify arbitrary indexes via db_index=Index()
Allow customizing popup window for selecting related objects in django admin
Allow QuerySet.annotate() to use the name of an exisiting field
Model inheritance field name collision check error refers to related accessors as fields
Test client cookies do not take into account server hostnames/domains
Add convenience method to add `Permission`s to a `User`
Prevent nonexistent template filter arguments from raising VariableDoesNotExist
Do not touch hash-designated files which already exist at the destination storage
sensitive_post_parameters/sensitive_variables leaking sensitive values into the http 500 exception email
Ease locating origin of queryset paginator warnings
Form not always picklable due to template renderer
Integrate dj-database-url into Django
Ignore soft applied migrations in consistency check
Change submit_line implementation to allow easier modification
_changeform_view sends wrong object after ModelForm validation
Add support for aggregation through subqueries
ModelChoiceField to_field_name doesn't work if it's different from the model field's to_field
Filter and subquery for window expressions
GeometryField doesn't create GEOSGeometry objects lazily anymore
Allow custom attributes for model fields
Add a "humanized" widget for DurationField
Trying to create a model instance with an existing shared primary key in MTI silently updates an existing instance
Provide ModelAdmin hooks for reversing URLs
query filter on date portion of datetime creates wrong parameters for mysql CONVERT_TZ function when used with a fixed offset timezone
Initial migration creates fields not listed in the migration if mixin class changes
Consider adding a test command argument --locals to show traceback locals
Create "inplace" QuerySets to speed up certain operations
Add hooks into SchemaEditor.alter_field() and reduce complexity
Add filter(), exclude(), and other base QuerySet methods to combined QuerySets (union(), etc.)
Remedy verbose, often unhelpful undefined tempate variable logging
Add support for multiple file fields
distinct() on ordered queryset with restricted list of columns returns incorrect result
Incompatibility between the set_language() view, LocaleMiddleware, and i18n_patterns() when prefix_default_language=False.
Automatically prefetch related for "to one" fields as needed.
When saving in admin, readonly fields are potentially overwritten
Value error on related user name during save of user model
BCC addresses are ignored in the console and file email backends
Allow UserCreationForm and UserChangeForm to work with custom user models
DISTINCT ON and update() does the wrong thing
Add an easier to make templates substitutions raise an exception on error
Allow customizing the fallback language from the locale middleware
AuthenticationForm's inactive user error isn't raised when using ModelBackend
Migration calls "CREATE INDEX" when one already exists when 'unique' field attribute is added (PostgreSQL)
Add support for python-brace-format for variables within {% blocktrans %}
Auto-truncate indexes on MySQL when max index size is reached
Add the ability to natively filter geometries by geom_type
Prevent a migration changing DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) to from generating SQL
Allow using forms of contrib.auth without installing contrib.auth
Customizing REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME is cumbersome
Template variable resolution on objects that are no mappings but implement __getitem__
Add a management command to list URL patterns
Add database functions for regular expressions, e.g. RegexpReplace
Changing SRID on geometry field doesn't create working migration
Allow QuerySet.bulk_create() on multi-table inheritance when possible
JSONField __in operator breaks when given a values_list()
Index added to _meta.indexes with Meta.indexes=[] yields two equal addIndex() operations.
Overhaul extra_requires to include more optional dependencies
Add support for Common Table Expression (CTE) queries
Chaining values()/values_list() after QuerySet.select_for_update(of=()) crashes
Make the autodetector validate the type of one-off default values
Querying GenericIPAddressField with a space crashes with DataError on PostgreSQL
running tests in parallel doesn't show exception chain, even with tblib
Make construction of "View on site" and "View Site" URLs consistent
Adding 'null=True' to a PointField doesn't create working migration
Add SimpleTestCase.assertRedirectsRegex()
Use autocomplete_fields in list_filter for related models
Allow rendering of admin forms with Jinja2
Enhance the model methods added when Meta.order_with_respect_to is used
Unable to add triggers in migrations on Oracle.
Unmanaged models with ForeignKeys do not get those fields serialized into their migration state when CreateModel happens.
"django.request" logging breaks "logging.handlers.SocketHandler"
test_delete_signals occasionally fails when running all django tests
Cached Session may cause losing a session, when it failed to connect to cache backend
Invalid SQL generated when annotating a subquery with an outerref to an annotated field.
Substr on NULL values returns incorrect results with pattern lookups.
ModelAdmin.inlines cause a model to lose its primary key from a model field default
If creation of a db cursor fails, the resulting traceback is misleading
Custom Left Outer Join in Queries
Support passing None to test Client and RequestFactory request methods for default content_type
Negated Q expressions across a nullable relationship are not properly handled by When expressions.
Add type hints (PEP 484) and variable annotations (PEP 526)
non_atomic_requests decorator alters _non_atomic_requests attribute of original function
Move some parts of `django.contrib.auth.models` to `django.contrib.auth.base_user` for reusability
Include template context in error page when relevant
Textual "to" parameter of ForeignKey fails to resolve if placed in abstract model
Unable to create model instance after changing an abstract model to non-abstract due to "foreign key mismatch" error
Jinja2's forceescape filter doesn't work on Django's safe strings
Document (deprecate?) Paginator._get_page
QuerySet database-side pattern regexp support
New admin autocomplete widget ignores limit_choices_to filter in referring FK definition
Provide a way for tests to run on an existing empty DB
Support database-specific syntax for bulk_update
Migration that switches a model to a UUID primary key fails with "duplicate column name: id"
GeometryField with Oracle always assume that axes are named as long and lat in geometry metadata
Django hangs when Content-Length has incorrect value
Timezone-aware widget for admin site
Create permissions using migration operations rather than using the post_migrate signal
GEOSContextHandle leaks probably due to thread local object destructing order
QuerySet.filter() with TruncBase functions not working as expected when USE_TZ= True
Adapt schema editors to operate from model states instead of fake rendered models
Allow ManyToManyFields that target proxy models with a through table.
Admin inline with view permission is shown when save_as validation fails
Regression for selenium tests & inaccurate Content-Length
Allow contrib.sites to use the request host and fallback to a SITE_ID
Allow expressions to be used for default
GIS widgets don't initialize properly after clicking "Add another" in admin inlines
QuerySet.only() on reverse many-to-one relationship causes extra database queries
Allow QuerySet.bulk_create() to set pk of created objects when ignore_conflicts=True
Empty value selected check in Admin Filter prevents subclassing
Refactor and simplify wrapping variables on Oracle
Add support for using indexes in update() for ArrayFields.
New built-in tag to disable invoking callable variables during template variable resolution
Add support for a "watchdog" based autoreloader
GeoDjango does not create correct PostGIS index for 3D geometry fields
Admin foreign key widgets don't quote keys.
Runserver's reloading mechanism should restore terminal state completely
Do not reload runserver during debugging / request processing
close_if_unusable_or_obsolete should skip connections in atomic block for autocommit check
ManyToMany relationships with a custom `through` do not respect Meta.ordering on the intermediary model
Add sanity checks to Django RasterField deserialization for rasters that are not fully managed through Django.
SearchVectorField and SearchVector should be combinable.
Optimize QuerySet.count() with distinct()
Add support for the RFC 7239 Forwarded header
Add Permissions-Policy (was Feature-Policy) header support.
Replace __file__ with importlib.resources
Admin list_editable not suitable for multi-user environment.
Bulk update suffers from poor performance with large numbers of models and columns
Oracle GIS doesn't support spatial indexes in Meta.indexes.
Migrations create a redundant RemoveField operation when deleting 2 models with related fields.
Avoid Select widget triggering additional query when using ModelChoiceIterator.
PostgreSQL full-text search employs coalesce function for non-null single-column searches with SearchVector
Migration using CreateModel with unique_together followed by AlterUniqueTogether crashes
HttpRequest.get_host() doesn't include the port from META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'].
Make createcachetable use SchemaEditor for SQL generation
multiple_database.tests.AuthTestCase doesn't flush the default database if transactions aren't supported.
Support for Clear-Site-Data header.
Querying on ArrayField(PointField) returns string instead of list
Changing field type can cause unrelated nullability change in field on Oracle.
ExpressionWrapper() doesn't respect output_field when combining DateField and timedelta on PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Add support for bulk operations on reverse many-to-one manager
i18n URLs are not matched against the fallback language.
Extend deferred unique constraint support to OneToOneField
GeoModelAdmin's openlayers widget stroke width too thin for some linestrings
Single queries without transaction do not follow AUTOCOMMIT
Registering database connections for cleanup on fork
ForeignObjectRel and its subclasses shouldn't be set as Col.output_field.
Django subtly produces incorrect query when the same keyword appears in both aggregate() and annotate()
ResolvedOuterRef object has no get_lookup
#31730 sqlsequencereset not implemented for sqlite3
Parallelize database cloning process
Add Support for Fetch Metadata Request Headers
Remove cached value of reverse side of 020 relation when updating attname.
Add parallel testing support to Oracle backend
Add Support for Cross-Origin Embedder Policy and Cross-Origin Resource Policy Headers
Unique checking in formsets should exclude forms marked for deletion.
Credential leaks on dbshell crash on MySQL and Oracle.
QuerySet.values()/.values_list() on KeyTransforms return wrong values for double-quoted strings on SQLite and Oracle
squashmigrations produces incorrect result with a RenameModel on a ForeignKey target.
Run database checks by default in some scenarios
gettext_lazy inconsistent error when nested
Support nested aggregates in window expressions.
QuerySet.get() method not working as expected with Window functions
Performance decrease following implementation of ASGI handler and coroutine-safety.
Excluding on annotations doesn't apply null handling.
Allow QuerySet.update() to return fields on supported backends.
runserver prematurely closes connection for large response body
Updating a field based on a JSONField's sub-value adds extra quotes [postgres]
Add support for using key and path transforms in update() for JSONFields.
Fail tests when unraisable exceptions occur
Fail tests when unhandled thread exceptions occur
Extract URL resolver view strings mapping to admindocs
Issues with ":" and "|" characters in URLs when using LiveServerTestCase on Windows
Prefer SafeString to mark_safe where possible
Add support for `UUIDAutoField` `DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`
Non-manager instance assigned to model class' objects is silently ignored
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD changes should be detected for PKs of auto-created intermediate M2M models.
get_language_info replaces requested language code with the one found in django.conf.locale.LANG_INFO
Add tablespace support to UniqueConstraint class
Reduce culling frequency of database cache backend
Adjust models.E025 system check for updated field descriptor setting.
ManifestStaticFilesStorage newline breaks regex
Translation: clash between language cookie and i18n_patterns URLs
./manage runserver --nostatic still doesn't return a traceback
Permit override_settings to work with test class mixins that don't inherit from unittest.TestCase
Improve pickling of HttpResponse instances
Improve performance of related manager attribute access
`form_clean()` performance
Use DiscoverRunner's logger for logging when running checks
Extend sensitive post parameter filtering to be applicable to exceptions in middleware.
A FieldError should be raised when trying to update MTI inherited field with F reference to child field
Micro-optimisation for functional.keep_lazy for single argument uses.
Add OGC-compliant models for GeoDjango running on MySQL 8.0
Having a model inherit from Generic[T] breaks makemigrations
Debug 500 HTML broken with strict Content-Security-Policy (CSP)
sqlmigrate crashes given a RenameModel operation with a self-referencing foreign key on MySQL
Missing FROM-clause when ordering by a relationship defined on the parent model in a Subquery inside a negated Q
Instances with deferred fields cannot be used for copying.
Change runserver's auto-reloader to prefer (likely) user files when scanning for changes.
Integer primary key is wrongly casted to UUID when filtering GenericRelation on model with UUID primary key.
Database persistent connections do not work with ASGI in 4.0
Cloning test databases should reraise errors on MySQL.
Use -> operator to implement KeyTransform on SQLite 3.38+
Add native async support to redis cache backend
Raise a specialized exception when does not affect any rows
Applying RunPython backward results in ValueError when involved models are referenced through multiple foreign keys
@never_cache and @cache_page decorators are applied out of order for TemplateResponse.
Allow CacheMiddleware.key_prefix to be a callable.
Accessibility in pipeline
Under ASGI, PyLibMCCache closes memcached connection after every request
bulk_update silently truncating values for size limited fields
Update startproject template with config directory
i18n set_language not working in Safari
Migrations crashes when adding/altering collations on indexed columns on Oracle.
Support using service names for tests on PostgreSQL.
Django theme color variables are inconsistently named and poorly documented
Display exception groups on the technical 500 debug page on Python 3.11+.
Allow transaction.atomic to work in async contexts.
Optimize calling of `get_app_list` with AdminSites index/app_index
get_previous_in_order and get_next_in_order return incorrect data when objects is stored in non-default database
Single-field conditional UniqueContraint validation errors are classified as non-field-errors
Adding a class on ChoiceWidget subwidgets is excessively difficult
Accessibility improvements for admin breadcrumbs
Admin app search filter appears in nav sidebar but not on admin homepage
Adding explicit primary key with different type doesn't update related ManyToManyFields.
Performance regression in ForeignKeyDeferredAttribute changes.
"no such column" when combining FilteredRelation and multi-table inheritance models
Queryset grouped by annotation with aggregates on another annotated expression crashes on MySQL with sql_mode=only_full_group_by.
Add where clause in QuerySet.bulk_create() when update_conflicts=True
Allow using test client response.json() with StreamingHttpResponse
Admin search_fields crashes for inherited model and __iexact lookup.
AlterField migration on ForeignKey field re-creates foreign key constraints unnecessarily
Incorrect exception handling within the django exception handler
Asyncio send mail backend
Support "watchfiles" in the autoreloader
ManifestStaticFilesStorage skips import and export of javascript modules with absolute paths
OuterRef not resolved as part of ORDER BY clause
ModelBase metaclass implementation prevents addition of model fields via __init_subclass__
ManifestStaticFilesStorage support for CSS module scripts in Javascript files.
ModelAdmin get_field_queryset uses related admin ordering, but not related admin querysets.
Unify all model fields to call get_prep_value from get_db_prep_value
Filters should not implicitly mark unsafe strings as safe without escaping
Queryset (split) exclude's usage of Exists is significantly slower than subquery
add support for Partitioned cookies
RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper links toggling isn’t working for radio widgets
Add documentation for Query's function `sql_with_params`
Move admin form labels to a more accessible place
Post-normalization performed on the Username field leading to the bypass of the whitespace stripping
Filtering on annotated TruncSecond expression gives unexpected result.
High CPU/memory consumption when a 5XX is raised with large local variables
Search in admin could allow issuing a query with many OR'd clauses
DatabaseWrapper are not GC and connections are not closed
Validation of UniqueConstraint with Case() crashes.
Adding non-deterministic collations to unique CharFields crashes on PostgreSQL.
loaddata crashes on objects with natural keys when don't exist on passed database.
Links in the Django admin should be underlined.
Support passing unique constraint names to bulk_create().
Improve `output_field` resolution of `Concat`
startproject and startapp should provide feedback
Promote `--pair` and `--bisect` from `` to be available as flags for the Django `test` command
Makemigrations shouldn't prompt for default values for non-nullable fields of other apps.
Set Content-Length where possible for HttpResponses.
Add a formatter for CSS and JS
Update GDAL integration
Monetary values in Switzerland discrepancy
Unify max_length for EmailValidator and model's and form's EmailField
Collapsible error container elements do not indicate that they are interactive
Push cache backend checks down to backend classes
`ngettext` result can be possibly undefined.
Use HTTP 413 status code for RequestDataTooBig
Chunked transfer encoding is not handled correctly by MultiPartParser
No-op rename of field with `db_column` drops and recreates constraints/indexes.
Move the link to add a related object inside the .selector-available column for FilteredSelectMultiple.
Improve CSRF Origin checking messaging
Template tag `unlocalize` does not work with `date` and `time` filters.
Update Oracle backend supports_sequence_reset = True
Update "Enabling the sites framework" documentation to reiterate the ability to use `get_current_site`
False positive in JS module aggregation export regex when an export declaration precedes an import declaration
Regression on json null value constraints in django 4.2
DatabaseFeatures.django_test_skips crashes when it references a class in another test module
ValueError: site must subclass AdminSite
Update parse_header_parameters to leverage the parsing logic from (stdlib) email Message.
N+1 queries from RelatedManager + only("pk")
Add generic support for order by to Aggregate
Unexpected results when Paginator's orphans is equal or higher than the page size
Case.extra is undocumented, untested, and can hide potential issues
Add support JSONArrayAgg
Email and URL form input widgets should always have dir="ltr"
Removal of CASCADE in DROP COLUMN migration operation
Use search element for admin's filter sidebar
Add an --ignore-deps flag to squashmigrations
Dictionary based EMAIL_PROVIDERS settings
Have the template tag query_string support multiple arguments and arguments of type Mapping[str, Any]
urlize() makes a bit of a mess of links embedded in Markdown
An error in TestCase.setUpTestData() leaks data on databases without transactions
Improve performance replacing os.listdir() with os.scandir()
Upgrade django.core.mail to use Python's modern email API
Generated migration for removing related models can't migrate backwards
Improve Storage base backend API flexibility to allow filename validation to be overridden safely
Add ability to render request.user in templates when async is used
Implement async cursors
Multi select checkboxes with shift key is not working in TabularInlineAdmin and StackedInlineAdmin
RedisCacheClient does not reuse connections from the connection pool
Support EMAIL_SSL_CERTFILE for private certificate authority
Switch usage to skip_file_prefixes instead of stacklevel when it makes sense
ExceptionReporter.get_traceback_data() does not handle when request.GET data exceeds DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS
Provide a check for settings removed (post deprecation)
Reduce impact of parsing crafted templates with repeat tags
ExclusionConstraint that includes a ForeignKey fails validation in ModelForm
Add default automatic imports to shell
Remove raw_prefix when dropping support for gettext < 0.22.5
Improve admin add/change form top level errors for screen readers
Django generates invalid address on unicode characters in the local part of an e-mail address
Support Unicode email addresses in SMTP EmailBackend (EAI, SMTPUTF8)
Lazily compute assertion messages
Enhance password reset security by encrypting 'uid' parameter instead of base64-encoding to prevent possible user count leakage
Deprecate double-dot variable lookups
Improve recommendation for ignoring memcached-incompatible cache key warnings
Drop support for GEOS 3.8.
Add the ability to natively filter geometries by the number of dimensions used by a Geometry.
Deprecate content outside of {% block %} tags when {% extends %} is used
Add support for atomic upserts
Signals are dispatched to receivers associated with dead senders
Makemigrations not properly tracking changes to unmanaged models
Django Template Language doesn't support all float literals
Model subclass with __init_subclass__ doesn't get correct _meta instance
Update/Fix Font Awesome icons
Support Requests with Transfer-Encoding: Chunked
Python 3.14 compatibility.
intcomma not locale aware when given a decimal as string
django.utils.timesince.timesince incorrectly handles daylight saving time
Add DEP14 Tasks interface
Queryset aggregation keeps unnecessary SQL joins
Allow customization of the blank option in select dropdowns
Dark mode support for django/views/templates/*.html
MultiWidget bypasses subwidget rendering customization
Color contrast issues for admin icons
pre_save field in parent models are not called during update in update_or_create
Support Widget.use_fieldset in admin forms
Allow newlines in {% %} tags
migrate --syncdb and TEST_MIGRATE break for models with fields requiring extensions, and custom collation or types on Postgres
FilteredSelectMultiple Widget Not Functional in Inline Formset After Form Deletion
FilteredSelectMultiple widget choose/remove all button arrows not responsive
Database password visible on debug page in local variable
Add composite GenericForeignKey support
Remove deprecated 'unload' event listener
Add async interface to Paginator
Add composite PK admin support
Add composite foreign keys
Allow AutoFields in composite primary keys
Admin "Change password" Button Visible with Only "Can view user" Permission
Support PEP639-style license indicator in pyproject.yaml
Migration crashes when attempting to remove constraint on already removed foreign key
GenericForeignKeys lose the assigned unsaved object after the object is saved
Custom lookup example raises TypeError when looked up against a Subquery
Use router.allow_relation in RelatedManager.add and GenericRelatedObjectManager.add
Make Django release artifacts PEP 625 compliant
Test classes with @translation.override decorator are not run
Update default from http to https in urlize when protocol not provided
Add support for PostGIS 3.5
ASGI: Dead persistent postgres connections are not closed when the database is accessed in response_for_exception
Expressions that divide an integer field by a constant decimal.Decimal returns inconsistent decimal places on PostgreSQL
DecimalRangeField __contains query for a value causes DataError
Support the 4th dimension (M) in the GEOS API
The `upper` template filter should set `is_safe=True`
FilteredSelectMultiple label to the right of widget on a ModelMultipleChoiceField
IntegrityError: null value in column "_order" when bulk_create()
Document that Q objects can be used directly in annotations
Ambiguity of the 'DELETE' text when a TabularInline object does not exist
Document that Postgres normalizes a range field with no points normalizes to empty
Size of the object's str in TabularInline is too small
LiveServerTestCase fails in parallel test runner if django.contrib.auth.backends has not yet been imported
SQLite backend raises exception on negative array indices in JSONField
Remove the geographic database functions summary table
forms.Media shouldn't expect media objects only
DatabaseOperations.format_debug_sql() crashes when query fails to execute on some backends
The link is not displayed when str is blank in admin.
Add "ABSENT ON NULL" to JsonArray
Simplify ADMINS and MANAGERS email list settings
django.shortcuts.get_object_or_404 does not support translation for error messages (i18n)
DatabaseOperations.bulk_batch_size() is overly protective on SQLite in most cases
DatabaseOperations.bulk_batch_size() should consider more database limits on SQLite and Oracle
FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK setting not changing the Admin calendar widget
Annotation with `%` in alias fails at db level on Postgres and MySQL
Remove or replace unmantained pylibmc package from Django dependencies
test_db_default_output_field_resolving errors on databases that do not support JSONField.
Change mail APIs to (mostly) keyword-only parameters
Backwards migration to replaced migration leads to InconsistentMigrationHistory on forward migrate
Backwards migration to replaced migration when other app has squashed migrations can lead to FieldDoesNotExist error due to incorrect state
Running no-op migrations (verbose_name, ...) slow on sqlite
Implement consistent pagination across admin pages.
Add a newline to the end of file when generating JSON fixtures
Migrating forward to a replaced migration fails
Add support for CompositePrimaryKey in SingleObjectMixin
Oracle Backend with `"use_returning_into": False` Option Fails to Retrieve Last Inserted ID
Use semantic HTML for buttons in Django Admin
django.contrib.gis.GDALRaster support for driver configuration options
Unique Constraints defined with __date lookups on F expressions fail validation but create database constraints sucessfully
ModelChoiceField/ModelMultipleChoiceField.clean() should catch ValidationError raised by the queryset operations
AdminSplitDateTime labels are not associated with their inputs
refresh_from_db() doesn't clear cached ForeignObject relations
Support queries where lhs is CompositePrimaryKey and rhs is Subquery
Use PEP 448 unpacking to concatenate iterables
djangoci PR builds using outdated Python versions

1.1 docs


Document connection-creation process
Additional Documentation for the objects in the admin templates
full path to modules in documentation inconsistently referenced
Document presumed order of foreign keys on intermediate M2M model
Serialization and multi-table inheritance
Add new tutorial on breaking templates into blocks
Reorganize method flowchart for class based generic views to tree
Clarify how aggregates work with multi-valued relationships and multiple filter() calls
annotate()-based solution to distinct and order_by problem
Document why/when of class-based views
Admin Inline form validation must go in Model.clean() if AdminInline.form is not specified
Docs: How to use django ORM with multiprocessing
Create a reference of public Manager methods
Clarify the operator each database backend uses for text lookups (startswith, istartswith, contains, icontains, endswith and iendswith)
Document how to use FastCGI via WSGI
A how-to or tutorial document for using authentication views and forms is needed
Document limitations of cache middleware more clearly
Django 1.7 initial data can't relies on other apps one.
"Method Flowchart" for all CB(G)V documentation pages
Django Custom Field inherits ForeignKey deconstruct() fails
Introduce contributor facing documentation for django.db.migrations
Document changes to WSGI application loading sequence in 1.7
Document how to migrate from a built-in User model to a custom User model
Create topic documentation for Expressions
makemigrations and app_label are incompatible
Discourage usage of cache_page decorator with UpdateCacheMiddleware (or make middleware ignore decorated views)
Clarify support for ForeignKey and form fields other than ModelChoiceField
document django.contrib.gis.utils.ogrinfo
Document which template filters can be used in Python code (and how)
Document that a name should be provided when wrapping file-like objects that don't have one with File
Add Transifex config to build translated docs
Document str(QuerySet.query)
Add contributor facing documentation for the ORM
Concurrency Safety Documentation
Update unicode documentation for Python 3
Document that models don't cast field values to the same type that's retrieved from the database
Document how to deploy using pip installed mod_wsgi
Document how @override_settings(CACHES=...) can work with class-based views
Expand the docs around how sqlmigrate works with regards to constraint and index names
Clarify how UserManager.create_superuser() must be implemented with a ForeignKey in REQUIRED_FIELDS
Reorganize CSRF documentation and add to FAQs
Document that using ModelAdmin.list_filter with foreign keys may require a database router
Document considerations with read committed isolation level and InnoDB
Document which ORM methods provide an instance hint to database routers
Add doc examples of handling files and their lifecycles with FileField/models.
Document how database routers are used for related object access
Add how-to guide for JavaScript frameworks integration
Explain how to transform a geometry with GDAL 3 authority axis strategy.
Usability issues with Django form fields expecting specific patterns
Add a GitHub action to run the Sphinx linkcheck builder.
Squashing migrations isn't very effective in complicated projects; rewrite docs to provide a preferred manual trimming process
Add example to documentation of a DateInput with input_type='date'
Clarify using distinct() with related fields that have Meta.ordering defined.
Unify terms in Signals docs.
Add "Copy" button to the code snippets in docs.
Have the images for tutorial and admin docs programatically generated.
Template documentation for startproject / startapp is very sparse.
Database access optimization warning that get() can retrieve hundreds or thousands of records is outdated
Document db_default behaviour before instances are saved
Use keyword argument rather than a positional argument for on_delete in the ForeignKey.on_delete docs.
Add a User Profile How-To to docs
AddField reference to Django's support for database defaults is outdated
Improve patch_cache_control documentation
Include ModelForm and its Meta options in reference docs
The console directive is not accessible for screenreaders.
Documentation on "Changing a ManyToManyField to use a through model" does not respect database index
Move away from the term "patch" to refer to a contribution/pull request in the contributor documentation
Document fields and methods of the FlatPage model
Replace outdated information on gettext f-string support
Explicitly introduce lazy references in early sections of the docs before they are used.
Document the necessity of adding unique constraints to related models in intermediary m2m model.
Add examples with nested arrays/objects to JSONField docs for __contains and __contained_by
Document that QuerySet.update can execute two separate SQL queries when using MySQL

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.
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