Opened 3 hours ago

#35852 new Bug

intcomma not locale aware when given a decimal as string

Reported by: Jonathan Ströbele Owned by:
Component: contrib.humanize Version: 5.1
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


The documentation regarding localization says that for thousand separators USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = True or intcomma can be used. The documentation of intcomma says either int/float or string representation works.

This seems to be true for a en locale, but in de locale this doesn't hold up if the input is a string:

9999999999.11   -> 9,999,999,999.11
"9999999999.11" -> 9,999,999,999.11

9999999999.11   -> 9.999.999.999,11
"9999999999.11" -> 9,999,999,999.11

In the case of a decimal value as string in the de-locale the output is wrong, it should be 9.999.999.999,11 (dot (.) as separator).

This seems to be the case because intcomma casts the value to int if its not a float/Decimal (which raises a ValueError for "9999999999.11" and then just puts in commas as thousand separators without any awareness of the current locale.

Also the DocBlock of the intcomma functions says "Convert an integer to a string containing commas every three digits." wich contradicts the int/float (or string thereof) in the documentation.

So either the function is not following the documentation or the documentation is wrong (?).

I think this is problematic as the function is communicated as an alternative/equivalent option to USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True. When a float value is formatted with {{ value|floatformat:2|intcomma}} the floatformat will return a string and as such, intcomma is no longer locale aware (also reported in #33771). This can lead to outputs like 9,999,999,999,11 in the de locale:

9999999999.11 -> floatformat:2 -> "9999999999,11" -> intcomma -> "9,999,999,999,11"

A solution could be to integrate some sort of float casting into intcomma? Or remove the recommendation of using it in favor of just the USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = True setting and clarifying the documentation of intcomma?

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