Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#27401 new New feature

Add Transifex config to build translated docs

Reported by: Jeho, Sung Owned by: nobody
Component: Documentation Version: dev
Severity: Normal Keywords: transifex, document
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: yes
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no

Description (last modified by Tim Graham)

It need Transifex config for docs/

tx pull -l <LANG>
LANGUAGE=<LANG> make html

According to the ticket's flags, the next step(s) to move this issue forward are:

  • To improve the patch as described in the pull request review comments or on this ticket, then uncheck "Patch needs improvement".
  • If creating a new pull request, include a link to the pull request in the ticket comment when making that update. The usual format is: [ PR].

Change History (6)

by Jeho, Sung, 8 years ago

Attachment: patch.diff added

comment:1 by Tim Graham, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: need Transifex config file for docsAdd Transifex config to build translated docs
Type: UncategorizedNew feature

Claude, could you advise about this? I'm not sure if it's duplicating anything that's implemented for the builds. If accepted, should we also add some docs about building the translated docs locally?


in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Jeho, Sung, 8 years ago

Replying to Tim Graham:

Claude, could you advise about this? I'm not sure if it's duplicating anything that's implemented for the builds. If accepted, should we also add some docs about building the translated docs locally?


sorry for my pool english, I try to explain.

this configuration is integrate with transifex service.

  1. contributors(yes, they need to register at django-docs on transifex) can pull docs/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/ anytime.
  2. contributors can build docs locally, and check it.
  3. contributors can upload .po file by tx push in command line environment
  4. contributors can check warning by local build
  5. and yes, it need to some modify on README and Makefile

Ok, I'm not expert and almost newbie- but if you help me(eg: correction typo, syntax...),
I want to contribute this ticket myself. (anyway it's my first ticket on django)

I'm not sure if it's duplicating anything that's implemented for the builds.

yhea, that's problem.
if any existing repository like "django/docs" on the github, it would be happy- but not exists such repository.
So i forked django official repository, and write some configuration.

Could you check about this by forwarding this ticket? actually i don't know about's build plan,

comment:3 by Claude Paroz, 8 years ago

Patch needs improvement: set

Currently, this is handled in the django-docs-translation repository (, and the translation process is described in

I'm not against improving this toolchain (it was a bit experimental at the time) and integrating part of all of it directly inside the Django main repository, but the patch should also include functional instructions in the Django docs (How to build translated documentation).

comment:4 by Tim Graham, 8 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

in reply to:  3 comment:5 by Jeho, Sung, 8 years ago

Replying to Claude Paroz:

Currently, this is handled in the django-docs-translation repository (, and the translation process is described in

I'm not against improving this toolchain (it was a bit experimental at the time) and integrating part of all of it directly inside the Django main repository, but the patch should also include functional instructions in the Django docs (How to build translated documentation).

Oh. what a shame..
I didn't know about django-docs-translation repository.

You don't need doing "experimental", keep it safe.
please roll back my PR.

If this "improvement" really need it, I'll request again.
sorry again.

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