Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#10305 new New feature

Add a form instantiation hook for contrib.admin add/change views

Reported by: tangc Owned by: nobody
Component: contrib.admin Version: dev
Severity: Normal Keywords: add_view, change_view, ModelForm
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request

Description (last modified by Julien Phalip)

add_view and change_view have the following code:

ModelForm = self.get_form(request)
form = ModelForm(request.POST, request.FILES)


 form = ModelForm(initial=initial)


 form = ModelForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=obj)

I would propose:

if isinstance(ModelForm, ModelFormMetaclass):
    form = ModelForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
    form = ModelForm

This way gives the flexibility to override the function get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs), which could return a modelform_factory(self.model, **defaults) or an instance of a model form.

According to the ticket's flags, the next step(s) to move this issue forward are:

  • To provide a patch by sending a pull request. Claim the ticket when you start working so that someone else doesn't duplicate effort. Before sending a pull request, review your work against the patch review checklist. Check the "Has patch" flag on the ticket after sending a pull request and include a link to the pull request in the ticket comment when making that update. The usual format is: [ PR].

Change History (10)

by tangc, 16 years ago

Attachment: T10305.diff added

comment:1 by Alex Gaynor, 16 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedDesign decision needed

My inclination is that this is the wrong way to go about doing this, an "instiate_form" hook or somethign similar is a much better API design IMO.

comment:2 by (none), 16 years ago

milestone: post-1.0

Milestone post-1.0 deleted

comment:3 by Tay Ray Chuan, 15 years ago

Summary: contrib/admin/ add_view, change_viewchange the way ModelForms are instantiated in add_view, change_view

Changed the summary to be more informative.

comment:4 by Chris Beaven, 14 years ago

Severity: Normal
Type: New feature

comment:5 by Julien Phalip, 14 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Easy pickings: unset

Reformatted description to be more readable.

comment:6 by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago

UI/UX: unset

Change UI/UX from NULL to False.

comment:7 by Jacob, 12 years ago

Triage Stage: Design decision neededAccepted

I agree with Alex: the proposed API is clumsy. But the need is real, so moving this to accepted. Determine a better API first though.

comment:8 by Tim Graham, 9 years ago

Summary: change the way ModelForms are instantiated in add_view, change_viewAdd a form instantiation hook for contrib.admin add/change views

#17577 is a duplicate.

comment:9 by Romaric Pascal, 5 years ago

I've ran into the exact same need and thought it'd be great if ModelAdmin had that instanciate_form hook.

How does the following sound: The calls to ModelForm(...) inside _changeform_view could be replaced by self.get_form_instance(ModelForm, request, obj,...) which would pass any arguments to the ModelForm, but allow developers to intercept the call and maybe set initial values of their own based on the request or the current object.

Actually the get_form_instance default implementation could also be responsible for calling the get_form so that the signature doesn't require the form class to be passed (but that might be too many responsibilities for it and make things confusing).

Would be happy to contribute the change if that was fitting :D

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