Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 11 months ago

#32472 new Bug

runserver prematurely closes connection for large response body

Reported by: David Sanders Owned by: nobody
Component: HTTP handling Version: 3.1
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Florian Apolloner, Chris Jerdonek, Ülgen Sarıkavak Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:14279 unmerged


This was quite a pain to nail down exactly what was going on, but I think I've got my arms around it enough to file a ticket and a suggested fix. It's basically a race condition between the OS and the Python, which makes for real fun when debugging since the debugger pausing Python makes the OS win the race, and that's the go-right case. :-) I don't have time at the moment (already took a full day to debug) to do a full PR with a test case, but anyone is welcome to make one from the recommended fix.


  • Create a view which returns a large response body. I haven't tried to find a minimum size where it reproduces, but I was testing with a 50kb JSONResponse. The bigger the better for ensuring reproduction.
  • Serve the project with runserver
  • Request the view with Connection: close - this is the important bit
  • The server will close the connection before the response is fully received by the client. Using Wireshark I can see that the server sends a FIN packet before all of the data has been sent.

I believe those to be generic reproduction steps. In my actual testing and debugging the request was a POST, but I don't think that factors in at all. I was also running Django from inside the python:3.9 Docker image.


I believe what is happening here is that the socket is being shut down before the send buffer has been cleared by the OS, and that shut down is causing it to discard the send buffer and send a FIN packet rather than continue to send the remaining contents of the send buffer.

If you trace through the code to see where the response is sent, you end up (with CPython 3.9.2 at least) here in the socketserver module, where it is sent using socket.sendall:

def write(self, b):
    with memoryview(b) as view:
        return view.nbytes

That call returns once the data is in the send buffer, but hasn't been sent to the client yet.

In Django's code the socket is then shut down here:

def handle(self):
    self.close_connection = True
    while not self.close_connection:
    except (AttributeError, OSError):

However, that's not the only spot that shut down or close is called on the socket. There's several places in the Python standard library (CPython implementation) such as here and here. I mention this to point out that it's not just Django's code shutting down the socket, and removing that shut down doesn't change the overall outcome. I'm not sure why there's an explicit shut down in Django's code, but it's not the source of the trouble - the same shutdown occurs very shortly after that in the Python standard library code.

I tried setting SO_LINGER on the socket (including on the listening socket before a connection is accepted) since in theory it is supposed to fix this sort of situation and cause close or shutdown to block until all data is sent. I couldn't seem to get this behavior, even with SO_LINGER set, a shutdown or close was immediately causing a FIN on the TCP connection, with the data still to be sent discarded. SO_LINGER also wouldn't fully solve the problem and ensure that the client received all the data, since it doesn't wait for confirmation (the client closing the connection), and the client could theoretically need retransmissions of packets.

Proposed Fix

It seems that the best solution to this issue is to wait for the client to close the connection. This ensures that the response was fully received by the client.

This is actually more or less the existing behavior for a client using Connection: keep-alive, and why the issue only shows up when Connection: close is used. The former is going to be the default behavior of any browser, while HTTP clients from scripts or servers (like Node.js) often default to the latter rather than persistent connections. In the request handling loop (shown above) in django.core.servers.basehttp.WSGIRequestHandler a connection with keep-alive will cause the server to immediately try to read another request from the socket, which blocks and keeps the socket from being shut down on the server until the client closes it. For an HTTP client using keep-alive, but only sending a single request before closing the connection, that means the server is handling a single request and ends up waiting for the client to close the connection.

I believe the issue would probably also show up with keep-alive if multiple requests were sent, the final request included Connection: close, and that final request had a large response payload. I haven't tested that, but the way the code reads that would lead to the same situation.

Here's a proposed patch to unify the behavior for both cases, and always do a blocking read on the socket before shutting it down on the server:

--- django/core/servers/	2021-02-21 17:31:25.000000000 -0800
+++ django/core/servers/	2021-02-21 17:32:37.000000000 -0800
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 been reviewed for security issues. DON'T USE IT FOR PRODUCTION USE!
+from http import HTTPStatus
 import logging
 import socket
 import socketserver
@@ -172,19 +173,33 @@
         while not self.close_connection:
+        # Wait for the connection to be closed by the client to ensure
+        # that all data was received. Shutting down the connection seems
+        # to flush any data in the send buffer and immediately ends the
+        # connection, which risks having large responses cut off.
+        self.rfile.peek()
         except (AttributeError, OSError):
     def handle_one_request(self):
-        """Copy of WSGIRequestHandler.handle() but with different ServerHandler"""
+        """
+        Copy of WSGIRequestHandler.handle() but with different ServerHandler,
+        and re-aligned with BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle()
+        """
         self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537)
         if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536:
             self.requestline = ''
             self.request_version = ''
             self.command = ''
-            self.send_error(414)
+            self.send_error(HTTPStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG)
+            return
+        if not self.raw_requestline:
+            self.close_connection = True
         if not self.parse_request():  # An error code has been sent, just exit
@@ -196,6 +211,8 @@
         handler.request_handler = self      # backpointer for logging & connection closing
+        self.wfile.flush() #actually send the response if not already done.
 def run(addr, port, wsgi_handler, ipv6=False, threading=False, server_cls=WSGIServer):
     server_address = (addr, port)

The fix itself is the use of self.rfile.peek() before shutting down the socket. The earlier linked parts of the Python standard library which will shutdown/close the connection all occur after handle(), so as long as the blocking read occurs in that method it should happen before the connection could be closed. In the case of a connection initially opened with Connection: close, or multiple requests on a persistent connection with the final one specifying Connection: close, this line will block until the client closes the connection. In the case of a persistent connection that never specifies Connection: close, this should be a no-op as it will only be reached once the close_connection loop has exited, due to the client closing the connection. So, in every case the server would wait for the client to close the connection.

I decided to use peek() instead of read since it makes it more clear that the data isn't important, and no arbitrary (and meaningless) size for the read needs to be specified. Any read should work - read, readline, etc - there just needs to be a blocking call trying to read from the socket.

The other part of the patch is not needed for the fix, but I thought it would be good to update that code. Unfortunately WSGIRequestHandler in the Python standard library has diverged from BaseHTTPRequestHandler, which has some added code, including marking a blank raw_requestline as a close_connection condition. While parse_request also does this, it's probably a bit fragile to rely on that behavior, so explicitly handling that case seems like a worthwhile change. self.wfile.flush() and the use of HTTPStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG are from BaseHTTPRequestHandler and also seemed reasonable to pull in at the same time. I don't know if the flush does anything meaningful for this case, but I don't think it hurts to have.

If anyone wants to champion fixing this issue, it would be much appreciated, and the above patch is free to use.

According to the ticket's flags, the next step(s) to move this issue forward are:

  • To provide a patch by sending a pull request. Claim the ticket when you start working so that someone else doesn't duplicate effort. Before sending a pull request, review your work against the patch review checklist. Check the "Has patch" flag on the ticket after sending a pull request and include a link to the pull request in the ticket comment when making that update. The usual format is: [ PR].

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Mariusz Felisiak, 4 years ago

Cc: Florian Apolloner added
Component: Core (Management commands)HTTP handling
Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

Thanks for detailed report. I didn't reproduce yet, but I'm going to tentatively accept for future investigation. Unfortunately proposed patch breaks some tests in the tests/servers/.

This can be a regression in 934acf1126995f6e6ccba5947ec8f7561633c27f.

comment:2 by Florian Apolloner, 4 years ago

I wonder if we can reproduce purely via python stdlib, this might as well be a python stdlib bug, no? Either way impressive analysis so far.

comment:3 by Mariusz Felisiak, 4 years ago

Cc: Chris Jerdonek added

by David Sanders, 4 years ago

Attachment: wip_patch.diff added

WIP Patch With Chunked Encoding

by David Sanders, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

Python stdlib-Only Reproduction Server

by David Sanders, 4 years ago

Attachment: test_client.js added

NodeJS Test Client

comment:4 by David Sanders, 4 years ago

This can be a regression in 934acf1126995f6e6ccba5947ec8f7561633c27f.

@Mariusz, I did review that change while investigating, but came to the conclusion that the behavior would have been there before that change as well, since the main issue seemed to be a race between sending the data and closing the socket.

@Florian, yea, I was actually able to reproduce with a little script using just the Python standard library. Since the issue was due to a race between sending and closing the socket, and that's the standard behavior from the Python standard library, the issue was in some ways inherited from it.

Unfortunately I can no longer reproduce, and don't think anyone else will have much luck reproducing.

I had to go deeper down the rabbit hole, and now I believe the reason for the premature connection closure was actually between the client and the server. I was running Django in a VS Code dev container (see using the python:3.9 Docker image as the base. I'd forgotten that VS Code has some "magic" when using dev containers, where it will forward a port from the host VS Code is running on to a port inside the dev container. I don't know exactly how they have that set up (they haven't open-sourced the code for dev containers), but looking at what's running inside the dev container, I'm imagining there's probably a bucket brigade which goes something like: bind the port on the host VS Code is running on, pipe traffic to a script running inside the dev container, pipe traffic from that script inside the dev container to the target port inside the dev container.

I'm guessing there's a race condition or bug in their scripts for that bucket brigade where the connection with Django closing causes the observed behavior where the connection is closed to the client without finishing sending the response data. Since there's likely multiple legs involved in that forwarding magic, and the source isn't available, who knows exactly where that was.

I somewhat confirmed this theory by skipping the forwarding magic and having my test client script go straight to the Django port in the container, and that didn't seem to have the premature closure.

However, at some point I decided (or thought it was a good idea) to recreate the dev container, and now it won't reproduce reliably. I did see it for a moment when the container was doing work installing extensions, so I'm guessing the race condition or bug may be exasperated by load on the container. The container I'd been using before when it was reliably reproducing had been up several days. Note to self, add a tool for debugging - try a full system reboot before investing time to chase an issue.

So, in effect, there was a buggy network link (since there was software forwarding involved) between the client and Django. The proposed fix of waiting for the client to close the connection inadvertently worked around that buggy link behavior.

Certainly explains the seemingly odd behavior and why SO_LINGER didn't do anything to help the situation.

I think the proposed patch in the original comment helps add robustness to network glitches since it waits for the client to close the connection, ensuring that the response was received, but it has trade offs which ultimately might make it not worthwhile. There could also be HTTP clients which might not close the connection if they expect the server to do so, so it could do more harm than good.

@Mariusz's comment about test failures caused me to spend some time looking at that before I realized the VS Code mischief, and doing so pointed out that waiting for the client to close the connection can't work when the response has no Content-Length header (aka, StreamingHttpResponse). I made a quick and dirty implementation of chunked encoding for the dev server to handle this case, and it did work in my testing, allowing the HTTP client to know all data was received and close the connection itself. However, HTTP/1.0 clients wouldn't be able to use that, so for a streaming response to HTTP/1.0 the existing behavior of the server closing the connection would need to be maintained.

I'm going to attach some in-progress stuff for posterity's sake, and in case anyone has any interest. The implementation of chunked encoding for HTTP/1.1 can be done pretty minimally and might be worth implementing in a different ticket. It's always good to have the dev server behavior act more like production, and I think most production web servers would be using chunked encoding for a response like that.

Apologies for chasing ghosts with this issue, definitely a case of a bit too much "magic" in modern development tools.

EDIT: Of course now it's started reproducing again, looks like the VS Code dev container needs to be up a while before it gets into that state.

Last edited 4 years ago by David Sanders (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 11 months ago

Cc: Ülgen Sarıkavak added
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