Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 3 days ago

#28800 assigned New feature

Add a management command to list URL patterns

Reported by: Martín Peveri Owned by: Ülgen Sarıkavak
Component: Core (Management commands) Version: 5.1
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Keryn Knight, Adam Johnson, Ryan Hiebert, Chris Rose Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: yes
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


It would be practical to visualize all the urls of the application in a command, is it possible?. If it is not possible, it is something like this:

python routes

Change History (21)

comment:1 by Tim Graham, 7 years ago

django-extensions has a show_urls command which "produce a tab-separated list of (url_pattern, view_function, name) tuples for a project." I'm not sure that this needs to be incorporated into Django itself.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Martín Peveri, 7 years ago

I understand, but I depend on an extension. Tell me if you consider it to integrate it into the framework and I could send an RP. Thanks!

comment:3 by Keryn Knight, 7 years ago

Cc: Keryn Knight added

Can I suggest that its worth taking to the developers mailing list to discuss this possibility? As an anecdotal datapoint, I know I semi-frequently make use such a command when coming into a project which I've not previously been heavily involved with. The flat output (vs traversing a list of include() usages) gives a decent overview on what's what, and the contrib.admindocs package already provides a similar overview if installed into the admin.

It also isn't a huge amount of new work (in my mind, because I wrote a similar thing to the django-extensions command) precisely because it can depend on the same functions admindocs does. So the maintenance burden is arguably mostly already in place.

comment:4 by Martín Peveri, 7 years ago

I think what Keryn Knight said is good. If approved, I could work on the ticket and send a PR.

Last edited 7 years ago by Martín Peveri (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by Tim Graham, 7 years ago

Component: Core (URLs)Core (Management commands)
Summary: List routes in the consoleAdd a management command to list URL patterns
Triage Stage: UnreviewedSomeday/Maybe

Someone could try to get a consensus on the DevelopersMailingList about this. I've never had a need for it myself. A rough criteria I've used for thinking about whether or not something should be in core is whether 80% of projects use it. The existence of an implementation in django-extensions demonstrates this can live as a third-party library which seems sufficient to me.

comment:6 by Xavier Tilley, 2 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to Xavier Tilley
Status: newassigned

comment:7 by Carlton Gibson, 2 years ago

Triage Stage: Someday/MaybeAccepted

Discussion at DjangoCon US 2022 suggests it would be a popular enough feature.

comment:8 by Adam Johnson, 20 months ago

Cc: Adam Johnson added

comment:9 by Natalia Bidart, 13 months ago

Link to post in the forum where consensus seems quite clear.

Last edited 13 months ago by Natalia Bidart (previous) (diff)

comment:10 by Xavier Tilley, 13 months ago

I have the feature finished I just haven't had time to finished up the tests and documentation. Hopefully my day job will slow down a bit and I can get a PR in next month.

comment:11 by Keanya Phelps, 11 months ago

Owner: changed from Xavier Tilley to Keanya Phelps

in reply to:  8 comment:12 by Alexandr Artemyev, 7 months ago

Replying to Keanya Phelps:
Not sure if this change was made intentionally or by mistake.

Replying to Xavier Tilley:

I have the feature finished I just haven't had time to finished up the tests and documentation. Hopefully my day job will slow down a bit and I can get a PR in next month.

Do you still plan to make these changes?

Replying to Adam Johnson:
Could we push this feature?

comment:13 by Ryan Hiebert, 6 months ago

Cc: Ryan Hiebert added

comment:14 by Chris Rose, 6 months ago

Cc: Chris Rose added
Has patch: set
Needs tests: set
Version: 1.115.1

I've picked up the work started by Xavier Tilley and pushed a bit more onto it:

Last edited 6 months ago by Chris Rose (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  14 comment:15 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 7 weeks ago

Owner: changed from Keanya Phelps to Ülgen Sarıkavak

I've pinged Chris under the Github issue and with his approval, I'm taking the task. My plan is, first to consider which formatting options are needed, then to push the finalized version this weekend.

Replying to Chris Rose:

I've picked up the work started by Xavier Tilley and pushed a bit more onto it:

Last edited 7 weeks ago by Ülgen Sarıkavak (previous) (diff)

comment:16 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 7 weeks ago

Patch needs improvement: set

comment:17 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 5 weeks ago

Patch needs improvement: unset

The PR is ready to be reviewed 🙌🏻

comment:18 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 5 weeks ago

Needs tests: unset

comment:19 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 5 weeks ago

Triage Stage: AcceptedReady for checkin

comment:20 by Ülgen Sarıkavak, 5 weeks ago

Triage Stage: Ready for checkinAccepted

I'm a bit confused about who should set the "Ready for checkin" flag. The current info box on this page says

For a Django committer to do a final review of the patch and merge it if all looks good.

so I thought this is the correct state to be in but now the issue is no longer visible under!closed&needs_better_patch=0&needs_tests=0&needs_docs=0&has_patch=1&stage=Accepted&desc=1&order=changetime so I guess I shouldn't have touched that flag. Considering

If you’re really not certain if a ticket is ready, don’t mark it as such.

warning from , I'm changing that flag back.

Sorry for the extra notifications going to the followers of the issue.

comment:21 by Sarah Boyce, 3 days ago

Patch needs improvement: set
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