Version 6 (modified by Jacob, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Some tickets

Ready for 1.1

DatabaseWrapper are not GC and connections are not closed

1.1 DDN

FieldFile assumes efficient Storage.size
Incremental filter

1.1 patches to review

SelectBox.js with grouping (optgroup elements)
Add support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) to core
Document presumed order of foreign keys on intermediate M2M model
Allow url and groups of urls to be easily tagged and selected
Integrate dj-database-url into Django
Add support for using indexes in update() for ArrayFields.
Add support for `UUIDAutoField` `DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`
Accessibility improvements for admin breadcrumbs
ModelBase metaclass implementation prevents addition of model fields via __init_subclass__
Filtering on annotated TruncSecond expression gives unexpected result.
DatabaseWrapper are not GC and connections are not closed
Validation of UniqueConstraint with Case() crashes.
Links in the Django admin should be underlined.
Add generic support for order by to Aggregate
Dictionary based EMAIL_PROVIDERS settings
Improve performance replacing os.listdir() with os.scandir()
Upgrade django.core.mail to use Python's modern email API
ExclusionConstraint that includes a ForeignKey fails validation in ModelForm
Add default automatic imports to shell
Signals are dispatched to receivers associated with dead senders
Makemigrations not properly tracking changes to unmanaged models
Model subclass with __init_subclass__ doesn't get correct _meta instance
Allow customization of the blank option in select dropdowns
Documentation on "Changing a ManyToManyField to use a through model" does not respect database index
Add async interface to Paginator
Admin "Change password" Button Visible with Only "Can view user" Permission
Custom lookup example raises TypeError when looked up against a Subquery
Make Django release artifacts PEP 625 compliant
Expressions that divide an integer field by a constant decimal.Decimal returns inconsistent decimal places on PostgreSQL
IntegrityError: null value in column "_order" when bulk_create()
Ambiguity of the 'DELETE' text when a TabularInline object does not exist
Document that Postgres normalizes a range field with no points normalizes to empty
LiveServerTestCase fails in parallel test runner if django.contrib.auth.backends has not yet been imported
Explicitly introduce lazy references in early sections of the docs before they are used.
Remove the geographic database functions summary table
The link is not displayed when str is blank in admin.
Document the necessity of adding unique constraints to related models in intermediary m2m model.
Add "ABSENT ON NULL" to JsonArray
Simplify ADMINS and MANAGERS email list settings
Annotation with `%` in alias fails at db level on Postgres and MySQL
Change mail APIs to (mostly) keyword-only parameters
Unique Constraints defined with __date lookups on F expressions fail validation but create database constraints sucessfully
ModelChoiceField/ModelMultipleChoiceField.clean() should catch ValidationError raised by the queryset operations
Use PEP 448 unpacking to concatenate iterables

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.
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