#10084 closed (fixed)
RadioSelect documentation leaves out a lot of details
Description ¶
When constructing a form that uses a RadioSelect Widget, there is nothing I could find in the documentation that even hints at what choices has to look like. An example like this below gives you an idea that your choices list needs to have values in it, one for the value, one for the user display
from django.forms.widgets import RadioSelect class FeedbackForm(django.forms.Form): temp = django.forms.ChoiceField( widget=RadioSelect(), choices=[['S','You should pick Me'],['D','You should pick Me!'], ['I',"Whatever you do, dont pick them"]] )
as_p() will generate html as:
<p><label for="id_temp_0">Temp:</label> <ul>\n
<li><label for="id_temp_0"><input type="radio" id="id_temp_0" value="S" name="temp" /> You should pick Me</label></li>\n
<li><label for="id_temp_1"><input type="radio" id="id_temp_1" value="D" name="temp" /> You should pick Me!</label></li>\n
<li><label for="id_temp_2"><input type="radio" id="id_temp_2" value="I" name="temp" /> Whatever you do, dont pick them</label></li>\n
Change History (4)
comment:1 by , 16 years ago
milestone: | → 1.1 |
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Accepted |
comment:2 by , 16 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:3 by , 16 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
(In [10371]) Fixed a whole bunch of small docs typos, errors, and ommissions.
Fixes #8358, #8396, #8724, #9043, #9128, #9247, #9267, #9267, #9375, #9409, #9414, #9416, #9446, #9454, #9464, #9503, #9518, #9533, #9657, #9658, #9683, #9733, #9771, #9835, #9836, #9837, #9897, #9906, #9912, #9945, #9986, #9992, #10055, #10084, #10091, #10145, #10245, #10257, #10309, #10358, #10359, #10424, #10426, #10508, #10531, #10551, #10635, #10637, #10656, #10658, #10690, #10699, #19528.
Thanks to all the respective authors of those tickets.