Version 242 (modified by vincenth, 15 years ago) ( diff )

Added django-environments link to Development environment section

Django resources

This page collects any and all unofficial resources regarding Django.

We'll say it again: These are unofficial resources, so take all of these documents with a grain of salt. This is a publicly editable wiki.

  1. Sites using Django
  2. References & Development Aides
  3. Django books
  4. Django application components
  5. Open-Source Django projects
  6. General
  7. Installing and configuring Django
  8. Development environment
  9. Templates
  10. Code examples
  11. Web services/APIs
  12. Tutorials on the Web
  13. Presentations
  14. Resources in other languages
  15. Community
  16. Jobs & Employment
  17. Cheat Sheets and Quick Starts

Sites using Django

References & Development Aides

Django books

Django application components

These are open-source application components that you can plug into any project. See ReusableAppResources for other resources for finding and evaluating re-usable apps.

  • OpenID
  • User registration, signup, authentication, security
  • Search
    • django-sphinx A full-text search integration with Django using the Sphinx engine
    • djapian A full-text search integration with Django using Xapian
    • django-search-with-lucene - Django search with Lucene is Tightly integrated the Lucene in Django, so use search content using django model filtering expressions.
    • haystack - Modular search for Django.
  • CMS (feature comparison available)
    • django-cms - A free, BSD-licensed content management system for Django, supporting a hierarchical page structure, internationalization and more. Notice: it doesn't supports Chinese(non-ASCII).
    • django-simplecms - A simple cms As Simple As Possible but Extensible.
    • django-simple-wiki - A simple, but powerful wiki supporting hierarchy, relations, attachments and permissions.
    • django-page-cms A simple multilingual paged cms for Django
    • PyLucid CMS - A lightweight content management system. Ideal for Shared-Webhosting: No shell account needed. Run at least with CGI. (GPL)
    • django-blocks - An easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code.
    • django-taxonomy - A taxonomy tool to integrate in your django sites/CMS. Can also be used as a menu structure.
    • Mezzanine - A content management platform built on top of Django with many features including hierarchical pages, blogging, tagging, threaded comments and custom content types. BSD licensed.
  • Forums and comments (feature comparison available)
  • Blog apps
    • django-diario - A pluggable weblog application for Django Web Framework.
    • Blogmaker -A full-featured, production-quality blogging application with support for trackback, ping and comment honeypots
    • Byteflow - Extensible Blog Engine with many features and a clean codebase.
  • Aggregation, RSS, feeds, lifestreams
  • Tagging
  • Maps, geo
  • Hierarchy structures in the database
    • Django MPTT - Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (MPTT) with your Django Model classes and working with trees of Model instances.
    • django-treebeard - 3 different efficient tree implementations: Adjacency List, Materialized Path and Nested Sets. They share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them.
  • Models, database, history, trails
    • DMigrate tool to migrate Django databases easily.
    • django-mssql An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk
    • django-selectreverse - Model manager to reduce SQL querycount for nested lists with reverse foreignkeys or m2m relations.
    • django-fullhistory - Offers an audit trail to be kept for objects being edited, even outside of the admin.
    • django-reviews - A generic review application for Django projects, which allows association of a number of reviews with any Model instance and makes retrieval of reviews simple.
  • Task, jobs, queues, batch
    • django-cron - Djang-Cron is a simple tool that allows you to have cron jobs for you applications. It comes with an example to delete expired sessions, and I have one for django-registration to delete expired users. Django Cron is intended to replace anything you would be adding to a bin directory in your own Django App
    • celery - Task queue/Job Queue with Django integration.
    • django-queue-service - A lightweight, open-source queueing mechanism along the lines of the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
  • Text editing, Wiki
  • XML-RPC, Rest, networking
    • django-xmlrpc - a means by which a Django developer can expose their views (or indeed any other function) using XML-RPC.
  • Forms
    • AutoCompleteSolutions - links to several solutions for integrating JavaScript auto-complete fields
    • django-forms-builder - Allows non-technical users to create website forms containing arbitrary sets of fields for data capture
  • Templates
  • Email integration
    • django-email-extras - Provides the ability to send PGP encrypted email and allows non-technical users to manage PGP keys via the Django admin interface, as well as the ability to use the Django templating system to create multi-part emails
    • django-flatemails - Django Flatemail System to allow for manageable email templating, much like flat pages.
  • Admin
    • django-mobileadmin - The Django admin interface optimized for iPhone/iPod touch
    • django-maintenancemode - Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work.
    • django-admin-tools - A collection of tools for the django administration interface, it includes a full featured and customizable dashboard, a customizable menu bar and tools to make admin ui theming easier.
  • Internationalization
    • django-flags - An internationalization helper for django
    • django-rosetta - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the internationalization (i18n) process of Django projects.
    • django-localeurl - Specify the page language on the URL.
    • django-modeltranslation Translate dynamic content of existing models without having to change the original model classes (using a registration approach).
  • Media, graphics, images, photos, rights management
    • django-licenses - With django-licenses you can give every object a different content license. You can easily manage your licenses and use them in other ways too.
    • django-graphviz - Django + Graphiz
    • django-dynamic-media-serve - Django Dynamic Media Serve is the good alternative of the default django.views.static.serve for serving the media files in Django.
    • django-photologue A Django application for uploading, resizing, organizing, grouping, relating and displaying photographs and image galleries.
    • django-imagekit Add "Photologue-style" image processing (resizing, effects, etc.) to your models in a simple, unobtrusive way.
    • django-graphs - An extensible graphing engine using the Cairo graphics and FreeType libraries.
    • django-flowplayer - Embed multimedia in your pages with flowplayer template tags. Support for playlists, multiple player styles and configurations.
    • django-fleshin - Fleshin is a pluggable photo management application for Django Web Framework.
  • Calendar
  • Ajax, CSS
  • Other applications
    • django-voting - A generic voting application for Django
    • GoFlow - A workflow engine for django inspired by the zope2 product Openflow
    • django-job-board - A simple pluggable job board for django
    • python-piwik - Integrate piwik web analytics / tracker into django with admin integration.
    • django-trac - Django Hacks Trac (help django and trac working together)
    • django-robots - A simple application for Django to manage robots exclusion files (robots.txt) via admin interface
    • django-webproxy - A reverse proxy app in django.

Open-Source Django projects

These are stand-alone applications written using Django.


Installing and configuring Django

Development environment


Code examples

Web services/APIs

Tutorials on the Web


Resources in other languages


Jobs & Employment

Cheat Sheets and Quick Starts

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.
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