CookBook - Admin Tools - Firefox client-side password hash generator

Django admin expects users' passwords to be entered as SHA-1 hashes in the format [algo]$[salt]$[hexdigest]. Here is a tool which automates calculating the hashes on the client side.

What it does as of version 1.0 is:

  • searches each opened page for an <input> with id="id_password", class="vTextField required", name="password, size="30" and maxlength="128", which is how the password field is defined in Django admin
  • when the password field loses focus, replaces its contents with a SHA-1 salted hash as Django expects
  • does not modify field contents if it's already a hash

You need to


  • works on all standard Django admin sites
  • nothing to install on the server side


  • needs the extension on the browser
  • doesn't use a real password field ­­-- password entry is visible


Note: Don't try to install the script using the attachments below. Use the remote link above instead. Admins should remove the attachments.

Last modified 18 years ago Last modified on Jan 25, 2007, 12:17:09 AM
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