CookBook - Data Models

A "category" data model - for use in custom documents, weblog entries, etc.

An efficient parent/child relationship - Similar to the "category" data model above, but doesn't use recursive functions, neither multiple queries.

Using markup filters in models - efficiently using Markdown, Textile, etc. in models

A "Constants" class - a neat trick to enhance the choices functionality

Splitting models to multiple files - it is possible after all

Predicates - or "3-tuples" or "semantically enriched many-to-many relationships".

Generic Attributes - named attributes, slightly more refined than tags.


The Pages in this section refer to older version of Django:

CookBookMultiLevelMultiComponentDataModel - Multiple "levels" & multiple components

CookBookCategoryDataModel - A "category" data model for use in custom documents, weblog entries, etc.

CookBookTreeStructure - A tree DB system that is fast for insert, select and delete. Requires small change to django source.

CookBookLabels - Labels/tags for any model with a single line in the model code.

Last modified 18 years ago Last modified on Dec 13, 2006, 2:40:39 PM
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