Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#7718 closed (fixed)

sorted() is used by system tests, but isn't available on Python 2.3

Reported by: Russell Keith-Magee Owned by: Russell Keith-Magee
Component: Testing framework Version: dev
Severity: Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


One of the proposed patches for #7303 correctly identified that sorted() is not available under Python 2.3. sorted() is used extensively in the Django system tests as a way of removing a dependency on dict ordering.

As at [7890], the following instances exist:

tests/modeltests/basic/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/modeltests/or_lookups/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/admin_scripts/management/commands/        print 'EXECUTE:AppCommand app=%s, options=%s' % (app, sorted(options.items()))
tests/regressiontests/admin_scripts/management/commands/        print 'EXECUTE:BaseCommand labels=%s, options=%s' % (labels, sorted(options.items()))
tests/regressiontests/admin_scripts/management/commands/        print 'EXECUTE:LabelCommand label=%s, options=%s' % (label, sorted(options.items()))
tests/regressiontests/admin_scripts/management/commands/        print 'EXECUTE:NoArgsCommand options=%s' % sorted(options.items())
tests/regressiontests/defaultfilters/>>> [sorted(dict.items()) for dict in sorted_dicts]
tests/regressiontests/defaultfilters/>>> [sorted(dict.items()) for dict in sorted_dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/model_inheritance_regress/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/queries/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/queries/>>> [sorted(d.items()) for d in dicts]
tests/regressiontests/utils/>>> sorted(real_dict.values())

We could just replace the use of sorted() with sort(); a better approach (cleaner in terms of final output) would be to introduce a definition of sorted() when it is not available, much in the same way that set is imported when it is not available.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Russell Keith-Magee, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to Russell Keith-Magee
Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

comment:2 by Alex Gaynor, 17 years ago Here's a quick implementation, it's not tested, and I don't know where it should go, it also doesn't handle any of the other args sort() can take, I don't believe those are used in the tests though.

comment:3 by Russell Keith-Magee, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [7914]) Fixed #7718 -- Added a naive implementation of sorted() for Python 2.3 compatibility, and modified test cases to import the function when required.

comment:4 by Jacob, 13 years ago

milestone: 1.0

Milestone 1.0 deleted

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