Opened 4 hours ago

Last modified 11 minutes ago

#36025 new Bug

__range lookup in conditional aggregate with subquery annotation does not use annotated related fields

Reported by: Aashay.Amballi Owned by:
Component: Database layer (models, ORM) Version: 4.2
Severity: Normal Keywords: ORM
Cc: Aashay.Amballi Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


I'm encountering an issue with a Django ORM operation that uses the __range filter on related fields. Here is the relevant model setup and operation:

class Project(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    description = models.TextField()
    start_date = models.DateField()
    end_date = models.DateField()

class LaborRecord(models.Model):
    actual_hours = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
    billable_hours = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    content_object = GenericForeignKey("content_type", "object_id")

class WorkOrder(models.Model):
    class Status(models.TextChoices):
        IN_PROGRESS = 'st_in_progress', _('In Progress')
        NEW = 'st_new', _('New')
        OPEN = 'st_open', _('Open')
        CANCELLED = 'st_cancelled', _('Cancelled')
        COMPLETED = 'st_completed', _('Completed')
        REJECTED = 'st_rejected', _('Rejected')

    project = models.ForeignKey(Project, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="project_work_orders", null=True)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    description = models.TextField()
    due_date = models.DateTimeField()
    estimated_labor = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, null=True)
    labor_records = GenericRelation('LaborRecord')
    status = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=Status.choices, default=Status.NEW)

ORM Operation:

model_contentype_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(WorkOrder).id
labor_hour_sq = LaborRecord.objects.filter(object_id=OuterRef("pk"), content_type_id=model_contentype_id).values("object_id")
billable_hours_sq = labor_hour_sq.annotate(billable_labor_hours=Sum("billable_hours")).values("billable_labor_hours")
actual_hours_sq = labor_hour_sq.annotate(actual_labor_hours=Sum("actual_hours")).values("actual_labor_hours")

queryset = Project.objects.first().project_work_orders.all()

filter_condition = Q(
    ~Q(status__in=['st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected']), 
    Q(due_date__isnull=True) | Q(due_date__date__range=(F('project__start_date'), F('project__end_date')))

query = queryset.annotate(
    out_of_bound_count=Count("id", filter=filter_condition), 
    planned_hours=Sum("estimated_labor", filter=~Q(status__in=['st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected']), default=0), 
    completed_hours=Sum("actual_labor_hours", filter=Q(status__in=['st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected']), default=0)

When running this operation, the following error occurs:

django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: missing FROM-clause entry for table "app_1_project"
LINE 1: ...LL OR ("__col3" AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')::date BETWEEN "app_1_pro...

The SQL generated by this operation is:

    WHERE (NOT ("__col2" IN ('completed', 'closed', 'sch_closed', 'cancelled', 'rejected')) 
    AND ("__col3" IS NULL OR ("__col3" AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')::date BETWEEN "app_1_project"."start_date" AND "app_1_project"."end_date"))
COALESCE(SUM("__col4") FILTER (WHERE NOT ("__col2" IN ('st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected'))), 0),
COALESCE(SUM("actual_labor_hours") FILTER (WHERE "__col2" IN ('st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected')), 0)
    SELECT (
        SELECT SUM(U0."billable_hours") AS "billable_labor_hours"
        FROM "app_1_laborrecord" U0
        WHERE (U0."content_type_id" = 8 AND U0."object_id" = ("app_1_workorder"."id"))
        GROUP BY U0."object_id"
    ) AS "billable_labor_hours",
        SELECT SUM(U0."actual_hours") AS "actual_labor_hours"
        FROM "app_1_laborrecord" U0
        WHERE (U0."content_type_id" = 8 AND U0."object_id" = ("app_1_workorder"."id"))
        GROUP BY U0."object_id"
    ) AS "actual_labor_hours",
    "app_1_workorder"."id" AS "__col1",
    "app_1_workorder"."status" AS "__col2",
    "app_1_workorder"."due_date" AS "__col3",
    "app_1_workorder"."estimated_labor" AS "__col4"
    FROM "app_1_workorder"
    INNER JOIN "app_1_project"
    ON ("app_1_workorder"."project_id" = "app_1_project"."id")
    WHERE "app_1_workorder"."project_id" = 1
) subquery

Initially, it seemed like a problem with alias field generation for annotated fields within the __range filter.

Explicitly using __gte and __lte instead of using __range resolved the issue. Below is the example for it and the SQL generated by the ORM operation

filter_condition = Q(~Q(status__in=['st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected']),Q(due_date__isnull=True) | Q(due_date__date__gte=F('project_start_date'), due_date__date__lte=F('project_end_date')))
SELECT COUNT("__col1") FILTER (WHERE (NOT ("__col2" IN ('st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected')) AND ("__col3" IS NULL OR (("__col3" AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')::date >= ("__col4") AND ("__col3" AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')::date <= ("__col5"))))),
       COALESCE(SUM("__col6") FILTER (WHERE NOT ("__col2" IN ('st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected'))), 0),
       COALESCE(SUM("actual_labor_hours") FILTER (WHERE "__col2" IN ('st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected')), 0)
  FROM (
        SELECT (
                SELECT SUM(U0."billable_hours") AS "billable_labor_hours"
                  FROM "app_1_laborrecord" U0
                 WHERE (U0."content_type_id" = 8 AND U0."object_id" = ("app_1_workorder"."id"))
                 GROUP BY U0."object_id"
               ) AS "billable_labor_hours",
                SELECT SUM(U0."actual_hours") AS "actual_labor_hours"
                  FROM "app_1_laborrecord" U0
                 WHERE (U0."content_type_id" = 8 AND U0."object_id" = ("app_1_workorder"."id"))
                 GROUP BY U0."object_id"
               ) AS "actual_labor_hours",
               "app_1_project"."start_date" AS "project_start_date",
               "app_1_project"."end_date" AS "project_end_date",
               "app_1_workorder"."id" AS "__col1",
               "app_1_workorder"."status" AS "__col2",
               "app_1_workorder"."due_date" AS "__col3",
               "app_1_project"."start_date" AS "__col4",
               "app_1_project"."end_date" AS "__col5",
               "app_1_workorder"."estimated_labor" AS "__col6"
          FROM "app_1_workorder"
          LEFT OUTER JOIN "app_1_project"
            ON ("app_1_workorder"."project_id" = "app_1_project"."id")
         WHERE "app_1_workorder"."project_id" = 1
       ) subquery

as you can see it created alias columns __col4 for project__start_date and __col5 for project__end_date. but for the __range it was directly trying to fetch from the table/model.

I tried annotating the project start and end dates as follows with __range filter and it didn't help either. Despite explicitly annotating the fields, the generated SQL remains unchanged from the original. Django does not recognize or utilize the aliased/annotated fields:

filter_condition = Q(~Q(status__in=['completed', 'closed', 'sch_closed', 'cancelled', 'rejected']), Q(due_date__isnull=True) | Q(due_date__date__range=(F('project_start_date'), F('project_end_date'))))
    out_of_bound_count=Count("id", filter=filter_condition), 
    planned_hours=Sum("estimated_labor", filter=~Q(status__in=['st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected']), default=0), 
    completed_hours=Sum("actual_labor_hours", filter=Q(status__in=['st_completed', 'st_cancelled', 'st_rejected']), default=0)

The issue seems related to ongoing discussions in Django's ticket #33929, but further investigation is needed to confirm a direct link.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Aashay.Amballi, 3 hours ago

Summary: Django ORM `__range` Filter Fails to Use Annotated Date Fields in SQL GenerationDjango ORM `__range` Filter Fails to Use Annotated Related Fields in SQL Generation

comment:2 by Sarah Boyce, 84 minutes ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

I think I can replicate, on SQLite I get an error: django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such column: appname_project.start_date

I think I can simplify the example a bit

class Project(models.Model):
    start_date = models.DateField()
    end_date = models.DateField()

class WorkOrder(models.Model):
    project = models.ForeignKey(Project, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="project_work_orders", null=True)
    due_date = models.DateTimeField()

Then I get the same error with:

    out_of_bound_count=Count("id", filter=Q(due_date__date__range=(F('project__start_date'), F('project__end_date')))),

comment:3 by Sarah Boyce, 11 minutes ago

Summary: Django ORM `__range` Filter Fails to Use Annotated Related Fields in SQL Generation__range lookup in conditional aggregate with subquery annotation does not use annotated related fields
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