Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#26397 closed New feature (duplicate)

Use custom managers on Foreign Key

Reported by: Vlad Lep Owned by: nobody
Component: Database layer (models, ORM) Version: 1.8
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request



My case is similar as the one described in ticket #3871 but that one was solved in a way that does not cover my problem:
I have a Category model that has a boolean flag is_active. Two managers are on this model, the default one excludes categories that are inactive (is_active=False) while a second managers including_inactive retrieves all categories.

I have also an Article that has a foreign key to a Category model. On all the other models I would like to see only the active categories but on the Article FK, i would like to be able to choose from inactive ones also. To do, the nicest way would be to just have an option:

  class Article(models.Model):
       models.ForeignKey(Category, manager=Category.including_inactive)

Ticket #3871 created this solution but that is not really the same:

I also find this solution but that would change it on all the related mangers, while I want it only on one:

To hack around, it I found this solution but would be nice if this would be included in django if it you consider it would be useful:


Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Graham, 9 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

This is also proposed in comment 27/28 of #14891.

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