Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #24562

Apr 2, 2015, 11:05:15 AM (10 years ago)
Shai Berger

I see that the PR is already merged, so there are no longer test failures and what's left is not a release blocker.

I updated the summary and description to focus on the issues left.


  • Ticket #24562

    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedAccepted
    • Property Has patch set
    • Property Owner changed from nobody to Tim Graham
    • Property Status newassigned
    • Property Severity Release blockerNormal
    • Property Summary Test failure: Pickleabilitydjango.utils.version.get_major_version() does not return the major version
  • TabularUnified Ticket #24562 – Description

    initial v3  
    1 Following the version bump to 1.8.1, we have failures on `test_unsupported_unpickle (queryset_pickle.tests.PickleabilityTestCase)` and `test_unsupported_unpickle (model_regress.test_pickle.ModelPickleTestCase)`. The problem is arguably in the test code: Both tests assume that `django.utils.version.get_major_version()` returns a `x.y` string, but that is only true for .0 minor versions -- and so the tests broke on the version bump to 1.8.1.
     1`django.utils.version.get_major_version()` should returns a `x.y` string, that is what we call a major version. It does that only for the ".0" versions -- It returns "1.8" for 1.8, and "1.8.1" for 1.8.1.
    3 I'm not quite sure about the fix -- `django.utils.version.get_major_version()` looks like a public interface but it is not documented as far as I could see; it hasn't changed in a long time, but its return value is unintuitive, and I would expect the same as the author(s) of these tests.
     3I'm not quite sure about the fix -- `django.utils.version.get_major_version()` looks like a public interface but it is not documented. Now that the tests have been fixed, its only use in the Django code base is in the same file (from `get_version()`).
     5Should we just make it private?
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