Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#20530 closed Bug (fixed)

Incorrect QUERY_STRING handling on Python 3

Reported by: Armin Ronacher Owned by: Aymeric Augustin
Component: Core (URLs) Version: 1.5
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


Certain browsers (IE cough) will not fully encode the path in the request in all situations. As such you will encounter non ascii letters in the request line. Currently the QueryDict does not handle that properly. In addition to that it also means that the WSGI QUERY_STRING variable needs to be handled the same way as PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME.

Here is what is necessary to handle the case properly:

  1. the environ['QUERY_STRING'] attribute needs to go through the PEP 3333 dance on Python 3 that creates a bytes object
  2. unquoting happens on the bytes
  3. finally everything is done to the intended encoding (UTF-8)

The logic currently employed by QueryDict in combination with the WSGIRequest object is double wrong:

  1. the WSGIRequest object is not properly doing the dance and passes a (potentially mangled) unicode string to query dict
  2. the query dict decodes that incorrectly formatted unicode string (WSGI on 3.x intentionally incorrectly encodes information) causing invalid data to show up in request.args

Independently of that if bytes are passed to the QueryDict it does not do proper decoding unless the bytes are a subset of ASCII.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Aymeric Augustin, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to Aymeric Augustin
Status: newassigned
Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

Thanks for the report. I'll take care of that.

comment:3 by Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augustin@…>, 12 years ago

In 7bb627936034c1b9500a8d250cce75b30f980b23:

Fixed an encoding issue in the test client.


Refs #20530.

comment:4 by Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augustin@…>, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 65b6eff322a4a3331601e111934dee95c090961c:

Fixed #20530 -- Properly decoded non-ASCII query strings on Python 3.

Thanks mitsuhiko for the report.

This commit just adds a test since the problem was fixed in 8aaca651.

comment:5 by Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augustin@…>, 12 years ago

In 9244447cc4a91c22f8f2668f9667e92a1b2de958:

[1.6.x] Fixed an encoding issue in the test client.

Refs #20530.

Backport of 7bb62793 and 476b0764 from master.



comment:6 by Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augustin@…>, 12 years ago

In 7fcd6aa6695b39370154d6993cdbb3ba4363de91:

[1.6.x] Fixed #20530 -- Properly decoded non-ASCII query strings on Python 3.

Thanks mitsuhiko for the report.

Backport of 65b6eff3 and adaptation of 8aaca65 from master.

comment:7 by Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augustin@…>, 12 years ago

In 63b95ca452ea7ef1103e599f8dd733b67278c8dc:

[1.6.x] Fixed 9244447c -- incomplete backport.

The test client had been refactored in the mean time. This commit
de-factors the fix. Refs #20530.

comment:8 by Tim Graham <timograham@…>, 7 years ago

In 4206765:

Refs #20530 -- Added a test for test client query string encoding.

7bb627936034c1b9500a8d250cce75b30f980b23 is only tested in

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