Spelling mistake of explicitly (explictly)
On page /en/1.5/topics/class-based-views/generic-display/#adding-extra-context
In the Note:
"Generally, get_context_data will merge the context data of all parent classes with those of the current class. To preserve this behavior in your own classes where you want to alter the context, you should be sure to call get_context_data on the super class. When no two classes try to define the same key, this will give the expected results. However if any class attempts to override a key after parent classes have set it (after the call to super), any children of that class will also need to explictly set it after super if they want to be sure to override all parents. If you’re having trouble, review the method resolution order of your view."
I have bolded the error, it should read explicitly
Owner: |
changed from nobody to anonymous
Status: |
new → assigned
Owner: |
changed from anonymous to Tobias Carlander
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
assigned → closed
I have created Pull Request 877 for this,
My first try to help, hope I got it right.