Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#19481 closed New feature (worksforme)
Django exercises for beginners
Description ¶
For Django Beginners like me, I don't find the tutorials to be enough. It will be great if we could try our hand at DIY Django Projects ranging from beginner to intermediate to expert. The Projects can be listed after the Official Tutorial. Each Project can have the necessary pre-requisites documentation to go along with it. It would help get beginners quickly up and running with Django faster than ever once they quickly master one project at a time. It would be more like exercises.
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Thanks for taking the time to report your feelings about current tutorials. However, Django's documentation is already quite extensive in my opinion. Surely, there are always things to improve, and adding more beginners content might be a good thing. Nothing prevents anyone to create such resources outside of the official documentation. Then, if those resources are recognized valuable, they could be integrated in official documentation. I don't think that keeping such reports open without any real content attached brings much value for us currently.
I'm closing it, not to say it wouldn't be worth creating more documentation, but because the ticketing system is not the ideal location to share this sort of wishes. Maybe sharing your thoughts on django-developers mailing list might be more fruitful.