#1686 closed defect (duplicate)
Relative model import should work within app directory
Description ¶
Assume a project with an application called 'weblog', whose models live in the directory weblog/models.py, and with a model class called 'Entry'.
From within the top-level directory for the project, doing 'from weblog.models import Entry' works as expected.
From within the 'weblog' directory, doing 'from models import Entry' should work, but instead produces this traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "models.py", line 17, in ? class Category(models.Model): File "/Users/jbennett/dev/092/magic-removal/django/db/models/base.py", line 45, in __new__ new_class._meta.app_label = model_module.__name__.split('.')[-2] IndexError: list index out of range
It'd be nice if Django could handle this situation, as it makes app-specific URL configuration ever so much nicer (e.g., model imports to get QuerySets for generic views won't need the full path to the model, and hence won't be coupled to the project).
Change History (3)
comment:1 by , 19 years ago
Component: | Admin interface → Core framework |
comment:2 by , 19 years ago
Resolution: | → duplicate |
Status: | new → closed |
by , 19 years ago
partial work-around: works with unittest and django.db.models.Model
Duplicate of #1658.