Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Version1.3Roadmap

Sep 30, 2010, 9:56:42 AM (14 years ago)
Russell Keith-Magee

Added 1.3 roadmap


  • TabularUnified Version1.3Roadmap

    v1 v1  
     5Django 1.3 Roadmap
     8This document details the roadmap for the release of Django 1.3.
     10What will be in Django 1.3?
     13Whatever gets committed by November 29th!
     15Django 1.3 will be a time-based release; any features completed and checked in by the feature freeze deadline (November 29th) will be included. Any that miss the deadline won't.
     17The main focus of major feature development will be features that didn't make the cut for v1.2, such as:
     19 * #12012 - Logging
     20 * #6735 - Class-based generic views
     22However, the focus of Django 1.3 isn't to add lots of big new features. The last two Django releases have added lots of features, and the little things have suffered as a result. The intention of the 1.3 release is to focus on fixing bugs and adding the low priority and minor features that haven't got as much attention.
     27Major milestones along the way to 1.3 are scheduled below. See `Process`_,
     28below, for more details.
     30==================  ===========================================================
     31October 18, 2010        Django 1.3 alpha; major feature freeze.
     33November 29, 2010    Django 1.3 beta; complete feature freeze.
     35January 10, 2011       Django 1.3 RC 1; translation string freeze.
     37January 17, 2011       Django 1.3 final (or RC 2, if needed).
     38==================  ===========================================================
     43James Bennett, as the release manager, will be in charge of keeping the
     44schedule. He'll keep track of who's working on what issues so that bug reports
     45can be efficiently routed; he'll also nag, cajole and (if necessary) berate
     46developers who are in danger of missing deadlines.
     48Feature freeze / Alpha 1
     51As with v1.2, all major features must be committed by the Alpha 1 deadline. Any
     52work not done by this point will be deferred or dropped.
     54Beta 1
     57As with v1.2, Beta 1 marks the end of *any* feature work. Only bug fixes will be
     58allowed in after this point.
     60RC 1
     63Again, no change here. RC 1 will, Murphy willing, be a true release candidate:
     641.3 final should be identical to RC 1. RC 1 also marks string freeze;
     65translators will have roughly a week to submit updated translations for
     66inclusion in the final release.
     70Django 1.3 final will ship one week after the last RC. Hopefully we'll only need
     71a single RC, so, the final release will follow roughly a week after RC 1. If
     72blockers are found, another RC will be released instead.
     74How you can help
     77The only way we'll meet this deadline is with a great deal of community effort.
     78To that end, here's how you can help:
     80    * Read the `guide to contributing to Django`__ and the `guide to Django's
     81      release process`__.
     83      These guides explains how our process works. where to ask questions,
     84      etc. It'll save everyone time if we're all on the same page when it
     85      comes to process.
     87    * Work on features.
     89      The joy of Open Source is that nobody gets to tell you what to do; you
     90      can scratch whichever itch you like. However, if you work on big feature
     91      items, you should expect that your patch won't get checked in until
     92      after 1.3.
     94      Get in touch with the lieutenant/committer for the feature you'd like
     95      to work on and help out. Or just find open tickets and start submitting
     96      patches!
     98    * Write and review patches.
     100       There are plenty of tickets already on the `1.3 Milestone`__ that either don't have
     101       patches, or have patches that need review. Writing, reviewing and
     102       improving patches is the best way to make sure that 1.3 has as few bugs as
     103       possible.
     105    * Attend a sprint (in person or in IRC).
     107    * Organize tickets.
     109       * Feature tickets should go in the "1.3 alpha" or "1.3 beta" milestone.
     111         Which one? Well, major changes must be made before the alpha, and
     112         minor feature changes before the beta. So "major" feature additions
     113         go in the alpha milestone, and minor additions in the beta one. If
     114         you're not sure, then the feature is minor.
     116         **Bugs** are **not** to be part of these milestone; any bug is a
     117         candidate for fixing and should be left un-milestoned. The exception
     118         is bugs in features added for 1.3; those should be in the "1.3"
     119         milestone.
     121    * Test the release snapshots (alphas, betas) against your code and report
     122      bugs.
     124      We need *lots* of testers if we're to have a bug-free release. Download
     125      a snapshot or an SVN checkout and give it a try!
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