Make sure you are using the right documentation version ¶
You've opened a ticket in our bug/issue tracker reporting something you've read in the official documentation doesn't work as described or doesn't work at all when trying it in your Django installation.
What is actually happening is that the Django version such documentation describes is different from the version you are using.
Django documentation is handled together and in the same way as the source code (e.g. it is part of the source tree and is maintained with the same version control system) so every release and development branch has an independent copy of it. Documentation about newer or in-development Django versions evolves diverging from older versions as it is modified to describe new features or changes in behavior implemented in the code.
If you are reading the documentation online from our documentation web site there is now a light green widget that appears in the lower right corner of the screen that you can use to confirm and switch among different documentation versions.
Some examples (links to the entry points of the respective documentation versions):
- Documentation for the current in-development version:
- Documentation for the latest stable release (will redirect you to the newest document set from the list below):
- Django 1.7.x documentation:
- Django 1.6.x documentation:
- Django 1.4.x documentation: