Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Sprint201003Argentina

Mar 2, 2010, 11:14:49 AM (15 years ago)
Ramiro Morales

Addded times, link to PyCamp page, clarified Cordoba location and need to register


  • TabularUnified Sprint201003Argentina

    v15 v16  
    33Django users from Argentina will be holding one-day Django sprints at two locations on Saturday March 6th:
    5  * Python Argentina !PyCamp 2010, Verónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
     5 * Python Argentina [ PyCamp 2010], Verónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    66 * Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
    1616Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. If you can't make it you can also help out in IRC.
     18=== Schedule ===
     20We plan to start at 3pm UTC (12pm UTC-3, in Córdoba we have clearance to use the room from 12pm to 7pm UTC-3 and !PyCamp participants also plan to gaher at that time.)
    1822=== Getting there ===
    2024 * !PyCamp 2010 is a larger event than needs early registration, participants will be already [ there].
    21  * For the Córdoba sprint, we will be using the Smith room at the [ Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba] (''"en el ultimo piso del ala vieja del edificio, subís al tercer piso, cuando doblás está del lado izq. al final del ala, justo antes de llegar a la escalera"''). We will be posting more detailed instructions soon.
     25 * For the Córdoba sprint, we will be using the Smith room (''"en el ultimo piso del ala vieja del edificio"'') at the [ Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba]. If you plan to participate '''please add yourself to the list below before Friday because we need to provide the Faculty the list of names'''. [ Here] is a map to help you to get there.
    2327== Sponsors ==
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