Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Sprint1Dec2007

Nov 7, 2007, 2:46:11 PM (17 years ago)



  • TabularUnified Sprint1Dec2007

    v1 v1  
     1= December 2007 Django sprint =
     3We'll be holding a Django sprint on Saturday, Dec. 1st, 2007; this page has all the details.
     5== What is a sprint? ==
     7Basically, a Django sprint is an excuse for people to focus their undivided attention, for a set time frame, on improving Django. It's a focused, scheduled effort to fix bugs, add new features and improve documentation.
     9Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. (See the "How to contribute" section below for details.) Most contributors will be at their own homes/schools/workplaces, but a number of people will gather together in person for camaraderie, improved communication and the other benefits of face-to-face interaction.
     11If you've never contributed to Django before, this is the perfect chance for you to chip in.
     13== How to contribute ==
     15It's easy: Pick something to work on and do it. All sorts of tasks are available, from hard-core hacking to improving documentation to fixing small bugs.
     17Of course, with more than 100 people around the world signed up to help, good communication is essential. We're currently planning the best way to manage contributions.
     19Have a look at the SprintIdeas page if you would like some ideas about what to work on.
     21== Preparing for the sprint ==
     23Here are a few easy things you can do ahead of time to make sure your time is spent effectively:
     25 * Read our [ "Contributing to Django" document].
     26 * [ Install the "trunk" version of Django] (aka the Django development version).
     27 * [ Create an account in our ticket system]. This will allow you to claim tickets you're working on.
     28 * Familiarize yourself with our [ ticket system and reports].
     29 * Get an [ IRC] client, so that you can join us in the channel [irc:// #django-sprint] on Freenode.
     31== Attendees ==
     33=== In person (Lawrence, KS) ===
     35If you'd like to attend in person, please email Jacob (jacob -at- jacobian -dot- org) and let him know you're coming. We can provide transportation to/from the Kansas City airport (MCI), and a limited amount of free lodging (i.e. couches and spare bedrooms) is available. Get in touch!
     37* Jacob Kaplan-Moss
     39=== Online ===
     41Add your name below, in alphabetical order by first name.
     43 * Your Name (Location; GMT+6)
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