Change History for RemovingTheMagic

Version Date Author Comment
163 17 years anonymous
162 18 years JayK restoring page
161 18 years anonymous
160 18 years jkocherhans removed spam
159 18 years anonymous
158 18 years Jeremy Dunck made past tense. ;)
157 18 years sj@… These apps are added by default to new projects, but this was not the …
156 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added "django_content_type table changes" section
155 18 years Rajesh Dhawan <rajesh.dhawan@…> Suggested fix for auth_permissions.package problem in SQLite
154 18 years garthk Added comment about content types
153 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Changes to the SQL for the comments app" section
152 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated PostgreSQL migration SQL to work for Postgres 7.x
151 18 years Adrian Holovaty Restored table of contents now that it's working again.
150 18 years pb@… attempted cleanup of TOC
149 18 years garthk Warning about upgrading with comments system in place
148 18 years eugene@… added a reference to MagicRemovalCheatSheet
147 18 years Tom Tobin <korpios@…> You can code-escape with backticks. :-) (Doesn't help with the TOC, …
146 18 years Joeboy
145 18 years graham@…
144 18 years Chris Beaven note about SVN checkout on Windows not doing a good job (as …
143 18 years eugene@… fixed nasty typo in MySQL code
142 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status"
141 18 years stuka@… Added more to the previous note.
140 18 years stuka@…
139 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status"
138 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status"
137 18 years pb@… typo
136 18 years pb@… added Model Examples to list of docs to proof
135 18 years pb@… added note on switching from m-r branch to trunk
134 18 years polarcowz@… Perhaps unnecessary but adjusted django.VERSION to reflect trunk (v0.95).
133 18 years polarcowz@… Web interface reports: Unknown target name: "authentication in web …
132 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated page to reflect the merge.
131 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status"
130 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status"
129 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status"
128 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status" section
127 18 years alastair tse need to rename package column to app_label in django_content_type for …
126 18 years alastair tse changing postgresql migration sql to DROP the correct CONSTRAINT by …
125 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated "Documentation status" section
124 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated doc-proofreading section
123 18 years Adrian Holovaty Checked off another doc in the proofreading to-do list
122 18 years Adrian Holovaty Noted which docs I've proofread
121 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated documentation status for the first few proofreads
120 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Documentation status" section.
119 18 years Adrian Holovaty Cleaned up latest changes to page.
118 18 years maney at two14 period net m2m naming clash pointed out
117 18 years fishzle typo
116 18 years Adrian Holovaty Removed misleading/incorrect comment left in previous page change.
115 18 years flavio.curella@…
114 18 years Rudolph Froger Completed the SQL to correct the content of django_content_type
113 18 years clintecker@… Fixed a formatting error in the SQL code I just added
112 18 years clintecker@… Added information about case changes in auth_permissions caused by a …
111 18 years Russell Keith-Magee Fixed incorrect reference in m2m field
110 18 years Russell Keith-Magee Fixed syntax for creating members of m2m/o2m sets.
109 18 years Geert Vanderkelen <geert@…> Correcting the column size for MySQL djang_content_type changes
108 18 years Geert Vanderkelen <geert@…> Fixing the renaming of columns for MySQL
107 18 years Ken Kennedy <kkennedy@…> This is NOT complete. There are data issues, and still a column change …
106 18 years Adrian Holovaty Changed "Status" line.
105 18 years lalo.martins@… documenting one other difference I noticed
104 18 years Adrian Holovaty Removed "Stuff that needs to be done" section
103 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added auth_permission table stuff to SQL changes
102 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added note about URLconfs
101 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Include template extension explicitly" section
100 18 years Adrian Holovaty Changed status
99 18 years Adrian Holovaty Corrected a mistake introduced in version 98.
98 18 years gaël typo
97 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added some ALTER TABLE statements necessary to drop constraints …
96 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added note to 'class Admin' section
95 18 years gaël typo ?
94 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added ALTER TABLE statements for django_content_type table.
93 18 years Paul Bissex formatting fixes
92 18 years Paul Bissex manipulator update
91 18 years Luke Plant Documented offset and limit -> slicing
90 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Slightly changed django.VERSION"
89 18 years jkocherhans update to reflect authentication consolidation
88 18 years jkocherhans updated docs for request.user
87 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick <malcolm@…> Document the replacement for "complex" keyword in get_object().
86 18 years Antti Kaihola Added note that exact can't be omitted for cross-app lookup
85 18 years Linicks change modepython to mod_python
84 18 years anonymous added clarification
83 18 years jkocherhans added note about request.user middleware
82 18 years Jacob Added info about exlcude() and the removal of ne lookups
81 18 years Adrian Holovaty Changed ALTER TABLE to DROP for django_packages table
80 18 years Jacob
79 18 years Jacob Added TOC
78 18 years Jacob Meh, fixed formatting of last change (preview, jacob, preview!)
77 18 years Jacob Added info about removal of packages module
76 18 years gbrandl <g.brandl-nospam@…> fix typo
75 18 years Jacob Added information about Admin managers
74 18 years Adrian Holovaty Cleanup of generic-views section
73 18 years chaoskcw QuerySet Parameters Tweak
72 18 years Chaoskcw QuerySet Parameters Tweak
71 18 years chaoskcw Fixed Documentation on Generic Views and Querysets
70 18 years Paul Bissex removed porn spam
69 18 years anonymous
68 18 years farcepest@… remove asshat pr0n spam links (thousands of them)
67 18 years anonymous
66 18 years Jorge Gajon <gajon@…> Removing lots of spam (I for one welcome our new spam overlords)
65 18 years anonymous
64 18 years Paul Bissex added note about custom template tags
63 18 years Lllama Removed a load of pr0n links. The spammers have found us; prepare the EMP.
62 18 years anonymous
61 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Using two versions of Django side-by-side"
60 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added 'latest-object lookup' section to descriptor-fields example table.
59 18 years Adrian Holovaty Moved DescriptorFields stuff to this page
58 18 years Adrian Holovaty Added 'status' section
57 18 years Adrian Holovaty Updated to reflect manager.klass -> manager.model change in [2193]
56 19 years Adrian Holovaty Small cleanups
55 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added 'overview' section
54 19 years jkocherhans added link to ModelInheritance
53 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added PostgreSQL upgrade instructions
52 19 years WorldMaker Updated my earlier comment; expanded upon it.
51 19 years WorldMaker update information request
50 19 years Cheng Zhang <czhang.cmu+web@…> minor typo
49 19 years Adrian Holovaty Formatting fix
48 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added some stuff to "Changes to model syntax"
47 19 years Adrian Holovaty Fixed headline style
46 19 years Adrian Holovaty Reorganized page in to database changes, code changes, functionality …
45 19 years Adrian Holovaty Moved "Namespace simplification" so that the bottom entries are all …
44 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added notes about database table name changes.
43 19 years jkocherhans <jkocherhans@…> updated status of NamespaceSimplification
42 19 years hugo added note about the settings moving into an instance from a module
41 19 years Simon Willison
40 19 years WorldMaker Fixed save() examples (removed redundant self arguments)
39 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Database table-name changes"
38 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Moved admin URLconf to shorten its path"
37 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added notes about generic views
36 19 years Adrian Holovaty Couple of rewordings
35 19 years jkocherhans <jkocherhans@…> oops... wrong link
34 19 years jkocherhans <jkocherhans@…> added link/status for namespace changes
33 19 years jkocherhans <jkocherhans@…> updated status and details for task: Move "auth" and "core" models to …
32 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Moved Session model and middleware from core to django.contrib"
31 19 years Jacob Noted the admin change in [1864]
30 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added section about how managers access their associated class
29 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added 'Model methods no longer automatically have access to datetime …
28 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added "get_object_or_404 and get_list_or_404 now take model classes, …
27 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added 'Move "auth" and "core" models to django.contrib' section
26 19 years Adrian Holovaty
25 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added a couple of things.
24 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Renamed 'class META' to 'class Meta'"
23 19 years eugene@… added missing "New"
22 19 years rjwittams Tiny code fix
21 19 years Adrian Holovaty Manipulator change
20 19 years Adrian Holovaty Escaped camel-case words that aren't wiki words
19 19 years Petar Marić <petar.maric@…> Fixed a typo
18 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added note about when it would be integrated into Django proper.
17 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added "Removed SilentVariableFailure exception" section
16 19 years Adrian Holovaty
15 19 years Adrian Holovaty
14 19 years Adrian Holovaty
13 19 years Adrian Holovaty
12 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added 'status: Done' for django.db.models relocation
11 19 years Adrian Holovaty Added status lines
10 19 years Adrian Holovaty
9 19 years rjwittams
8 19 years pb@… spelling fix
7 19 years Adrian Holovaty Changed "objects_" behavior
6 19 years Adrian Holovaty Fixed spacing issues.
5 19 years Adrian Holovaty
4 19 years Adrian Holovaty Clarification
3 19 years Adrian Holovaty Formatting fix
2 19 years Adrian Holovaty Small spacing fix.
1 19 years Adrian Holovaty Created page.
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