Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of QuerysetRefactorBranch

Apr 29, 2008, 3:20:03 PM (16 years ago)
Rob Hudson <treborhudson@…>

Providing a link for details rather than just text.


  • QuerysetRefactorBranch

    v21 v22  
    3636qs.objects.filter(f1, f2)
    3737   }}}
    38    This difference only applies when `f1` and `f2` are referencing the same multi-valued relationship (a `ManyToManyField` or reverse `ForeignKey`). The first version allows filtering against different items from the relationship (things that match `f1` on one object in the related table as well as `f2` on another object in the related table), whereas the second version's filters will be applied to the same item. See the database API documentation section called "Lookups that span relationships" for details.
     38   This difference only applies when `f1` and `f2` are referencing the same multi-valued relationship (a `ManyToManyField` or reverse `ForeignKey`). The first version allows filtering against different items from the relationship (things that match `f1` on one object in the related table as well as `f2` on another object in the related table), whereas the second version's filters will be applied to the same item. See the [ database api documentation] for details.
    3939 * It is possible to use extra select fields -- those included via {{{extra(select=...)}}} -- for ordering the results. Previously, those fields could be specified to the {{{order_by()}}} method. Due to increased error checking, that is no longer practical. Instead, pass those extra columns to the {{{order_by}}} argument of the {{{extra()}}} method:
    4040   {{{
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