Change History for QuerysetRefactorBranch

Version Date Author Comment
29 15 years vrehak removed spam
28 15 years KevinSmith
27 15 years KevinSmith
26 17 years jlrivitti@…
25 17 years Luke Plant
24 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Removed something that was a bug, rather than a backwards-incompatible …
23 17 years anonymous
22 17 years Rob Hudson <treborhudson@…> Providing a link for details rather than just text.
21 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Typo fix.
20 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Added some backwards-incompat info about order_by()
19 17 years simon Changed links to point at equivalents
18 17 years simon Removed "how to get the branch" section, as it has been merged in to trunk.
17 17 years Russell Keith-Magee Updated reference to valueslist() to values_list()
16 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Split backwards-incompat changes into "things you care about" and "other"
15 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated after branch merge to trunk.
14 17 years anonymous
13 17 years dan <dan@…> inserted link to referenced model-api docs
12 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Clarified the use of extra(order_by=...).
11 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Added a note about full support for &, | and ~ with Q classes.
10 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Try a different spelling of "argument".
9 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated with the last week's progress.
8 17 years Paul Smith Added "order_by" to backwards incompatible changes w.r.t. field names
7 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Removed on work-in-progress item
6 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Missed something on last update.
5 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated to reflect the current state of play.
4 17 years anonymous
3 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Removed a reverted backwards-incompatibility.
2 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated to current status.
1 17 years Malcolm Tredinnick Created a small branch description page.
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