Preparing an Oracle GeoDjango test setup

Since GeoDjango requires full featured Oracle installation instead of XE this document is meant to ease up installation and testing GeoDjango parts.


On the host machine:

On OS X, the general idea to install cx_Oracle is:

  • Download InstantClient from Oracle. You need the "Basic Lite" and "SDK" packages.

  • Unzip them, merge them, and put the resulting directory in, for instance, ~/dev/oracle.

  • Set the following environment variables (you'll need them every time you use cx_Oracle):

    export ORACLE_HOME=~/Documents/dev/oracle/instantclient_10_2
  • Fix Oracle's package:

    ln -s libclntsh.dylib.10.1 $ORACLE_HOME/libclntsh.dylib
    ln -s libocci.dylib.10.1 $ORACLE_HOME/libocci.dylib
  • Install cx_Oracle:

    pip install cx_Oracle

Adjust paths and versions as needed. There are plenty of more-or-less up-to-date tutorials on the web.

How to get full Oracle

Easiest way is to use Oracle VirtualBox with prebuilt Oracle installation VM. We will be using the VM as a database server only.

  1. Download and install Oracle VirtualBox from or use package manager from your system.
  2. Download Oracle Developer Day image from
  3. Use VirtualBox to launch the image
  4. Set up port forwarding to access easily the VM's ssh and database servers, see
NOTE: You may not use Oracle Developer Day VM for any other purposes than testing

Database setup

On virtual machine:

  1. Create a user and give the needed privileges:

    $ sudo su oracle
    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> CREATE USER djangotest IDENTIFIED BY djangotest;
    SQL> GRANT DBA TO djangotest;
    SQL> quit
    $ exit

Run tests

On host:

  1. Create settings file (change IP to one that is reported in VM console):

    TEST_RUNNER = 'django.contrib.gis.tests.GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner'
        'default' : {
                'ENGINE' : '',
                'PORT' : '1521',
                'HOST' : 'VM IP',
                'NAME' : 'orcl',
                'USER' : 'djangotest',
                'PASSWORD' : 'djangotest',
    SECRET_KEY = 'xxxxx'
  2. Run tests: test --settings=geodjango_oracle
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Feb 12, 2013, 10:18:58 AM
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