Changes between Version 202 and Version 203 of DjangoResources

Oct 15, 2009, 2:02:36 AM (15 years ago)
Antti Kaihola

added link to AutoCompleteSolutions, re-arranged feature comparison links


  • TabularUnified DjangoResources

    v202 v203  
    2323These are open-source application components that you can plug into any project.
     24See ReusableAppResources for other resources for finding and evaluating re-usable apps.
    2425 * OpenID
    2526  * [ django-authopenid] - Django authentication application with openid using django auth contrib
    3334  * [ django-search-with-lucene] - Django search with Lucene is Tightly integrated the Lucene in Django, so use search content using django model filtering expressions.
    3435  * [ haystack] - Modular search for Django.
    35  * CMS (See also  [wiki:CMSAppsComparison Django CMS Apps Comparison])
     36 * CMS ([wiki:CMSAppsComparison feature comparison] available)
    3637  * [ django-cms] - A free, BSD-licensed content management system for Django, supporting a hierarchical page structure, internationalization and more.
    3738  * [ django-simplecms] - A simple cms As Simple As Possible but Extensible.
    4041  * [ PyLucid CMS] - A lightweight content management system. Ideal for Shared-Webhosting: No shell account needed. Run at least with CGI. (GPL)
    4142  * [ django-blocks] - An easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code.
    42  * Forum
     43 * Forum ([ feature comparison] available)
    4344  * [ snapboard] - Python Forum/Bulletin-Board for Django
    4445  * [ Sphene Community Tools] - (SCT) django forum (bulletin board) and wiki applications which can be easily integrated into custom django projects. BSD.
    4546  * [ Diamanda Wiki and MyghtyBoard Forum]: A wiki and forum. GPL.
    4647  * [ django-forum] - A lightweight Forum application that plugs straight into your existing Django project.
    47   * See a short feature comparison at []
     48 * AutoCompleteSolutions - links to several solutions for integrating !JavaScript auto-complete fields
    4849 * [ django-dbtemplates] - A Template loader for database stored templates with an extensible cache backend
    4950 * [ django-mobileadmin] - The Django admin interface optimized for iPhone/iPod touch
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