Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DevelopersMailingList

May 15, 2013, 5:11:10 AM (12 years ago)
Luke Plant



  • TabularUnified DevelopersMailingList

    v1 v1  
     1= Django Developers Mailing List =
     3The developers mailing list,, is where most discussion about the development of Django itself goes on.
     5You can use Google's [!forum/django-developers web interface] to access it and post messages.
     7If you have been directed to this page, it may be because a core developer has closed a ticket that you are interested in as 'WONTFIX' or 'INVALID'. When there has been disagreement about what to do with a ticket, we've found the best way to get visibility from more developers and make progress is to start a discussion on the mailing list.
     9Unlike most tickets, the mailing list is read by most of the core developers and many other people with Django experience - but if you are new, there is no reason to be intimidated. We try to be friendly, and we welcome any serious suggestions. If you've got some good reasons why a ticket should be re-opened, we are all ears!
     12(The developers mailing list isn't to be confused with [!forum/django-users django-users], which is for developers who need help creating projects using Django. See UsingTheMailingList).
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