Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #7

Jul 20, 2005, 11:36:21 AM (20 years ago)
Wilson Miner


  • Ticket #7

    • Property Reporter changed from Adrian Holovaty to Wilson Miner
  • Ticket #7 – Description

    initial v1  
    11The changelist filter by a date doesn't behave as expected.
    3 ***What happens:*** When I click "This month", it correctly displays the objects for this month and drills down the date nav to the appropriate context, but the filter on the right does not indicate which range is currently applied. The "Any date" link does not reset the date drill down.
     3'''What happens:''' When I click "This month", it correctly displays the objects for this month and drills down the date nav to the appropriate context, but the filter on the right does not indicate which range is currently applied. The "Any date" link does not reset the date drill down.
    5 ***What should happen:*** The date filter on the sidebar should update to show which range is currently applied. The "Any date" option should reset the date context. Alternatively, the filter "by date" options could be removed entirely to avoid conflict with the date drilldown.
     5'''What should happen:''' The date filter on the sidebar should update to show which range is currently applied. The "Any date" option should reset the date context. Alternatively, the filter "by date" options could be removed entirely to avoid conflict with the date drilldown.
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