#4565 closed (fixed)
template rendering should yield items, not concat strings at each level
Description ¶
Given following template-
{% for x in blah %} {% for y in x %} {% bunch o nodes %{ {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
The way the template rendering subsystem works, each 'bunch o nodes' is added onto a list w/in 'for y', then collapsed into a string, and returned to 'for x'; which builds up a list, collapses it down into into a string, and returns it. Problems follow:
- wind up continually generating larger and larger strings as data is added on, percolating it's way up to the actual template.render. This isn't totally friendly to performance (specifically has a knack for forcing the alloc pool to expand repeatedly).
- Data is already ready to be sent, but it's locked away in the template- basically, template rendering tries to build a final string of all contents- until that's finished nothing is sent
- Said "final string of all content" means that django winds up being more memory hungry, pretty much without any reason.
A backwards compatible solution is the introduction of an iter_render method to Node, that yields finalized chunks as they're available- this doesn't mean yielding each char as it's available, means (for a ForNode for example), yielding each chunk of data for iteration; via this approach, Template.iter_render has chunks of data percolate up as they're available, instead of just one big ass string at the end.
Attached is a patch implementing iter_render, and converting existing tags/templates/involved codepaths over to iteration where sane; some node rendering still collapse internally (filter expressions primarily, although will be targeting those later). This patch includes the patch from ticket #4523 (isinstance usage there gets ugly when a lot of items are passing through it).
Final other change worth noting- changes the base http so that it's no longer flushing after every single write during content dumping. Reason behind this should be fairly obvious- fine if you're writing a single item, sucks if you're writing a few hundred.
One point of potential contention is the change to Node;
class Node(object): # misc fluff def render(self, context): return ''.join(self.iter_render(context)) def iter_render(self.context): return (self.render(context),)
In other words, the default Node definition for rendering will trigger a RuntimeError on execution, going recursive. The reason for this choice is backwards compatibility- all custom Node derivatives at this point define render, thus iter_render has to defer to it if iter_render is default. Lack of overriding can probably be detected (and explode up front) via a metaclass trick, although open to suggestions.
The cons are pretty well covered above; Pros are
- instant results; as long as you don't have any tags/nodes that require collapsing their subtree down into a single string, data is sent out immediately. Rather nice if you have a slow page- you start get chunks of the page immediately, rather then having to wait for the full 10s/whatever time for the page to render.
- Far less abusive on memory; usual 'spanish inquisition' test (term coined by mtreddinick, but it works), reduction from 84m to 71m for usage at the end of rendering. What I find rather interesting about that reduction is that the resultant page is 6.5 mb; the extra 7mb I'm actually not sure where the reduction comes from (suspect there is some copy idiocy somewhere forcing a new string)- alternatively, may just be intermediate data hanging around, since I've been working with this code in one form or another for 3 months now, and still haven't figured out the 'why' for that diff.
- Surprisingly, at least for the test cases I have locally, I'm not seeing a noticable hit on small pages, nothing above background noise at the very least- larger pages, seeing a mild speed up (which was expected- 4-5%).
Patch is attached, bzr branch should it bitrot few months down the line, http://pkgcore.org/~ferringb/django/iter-render . Will be bugging the ml about this ticket also, since I'd expect folks will want to chime in; finally, docs aren't updated in this patch- didn't see the point in doing it till I was sure folks would go for the change.
Change History (9)
by , 18 years ago
Attachment: | template-iter-render-r3369.patch added |
comment:1 by , 18 years ago
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Design decision needed |
follow-up: 3 comment:2 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:3 by , 18 years ago
Component: | Template system → django.newforms |
Has patch: | unset |
Keywords: | sessions added; performance removed |
Resolution: | fixed |
Status: | closed → reopened |
Summary: | template rendering should yield items, not concat strings at each level → KeyError in sessions with newforms |
Replying to mtredinnick:
(In [5482]) Fixed #4565 -- Changed template rendering to use iterators, rather than
creating large strings, as much as possible. This is all backwards compatible.
Thanks, Brian Harring.
After [5482] appeared KeyError in django/contrib/sessions/middleware.py in _getitem_, line 20
comment:4 by , 18 years ago
Because the upload does not work, this is link to sample django project with KeyError:
comment:5 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | reopened → closed |
There's no reason to reopen this ticket when you've also opened #4613 for the same problem.
comment:6 by , 18 years ago
Component: | django.newforms → Template system |
Keywords: | performance added; sessions removed |
Summary: | KeyError in sessions with newforms → template rendering should yield items, not concat strings at each level |
reverting changes for searching reasons.
comment:7 by , 18 years ago
comment:8 by , 18 years ago
#4650 contains another side effect of this (stale db connections hanging around under mod_python).
Hi Brian - this type of detailed enhancement is best raised on the Django-Developers mailing list if you haven't done so already.