Opened 12 hours ago

Closed 11 hours ago

#35814 closed Uncategorized (invalid)

Django migrations & default JSONField

Reported by: FormindMPO Owned by:
Component: Migrations Version: 4.2
Severity: Normal Keywords: JSONField, default
Cc: FormindMPO Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no



I'm working on a dynamic translated field (dynamic means i won't use i18n to make it)

I want to use a JSONField in my Article model, as so :

title = models.JSONField(default=defaultTraduction)
description = models.JSONField(default=defaultTraduction)

Because making usage of models.JSONField(default=dict(fr="",en="",es="")) raises a warning.

My model is stored in a file named, inside a models folder.

When loading my migration : python makemigrations, it tries to import the default function, as so :

            name="title ",

But this is not a function part of the class, it is part of the file, so i have the following error when migrating / changing migration :

AttributeError: type object 'article' has no attribute 'defaultTraduction'


I tried to override the value, with the actual value -> dict(fr="",en="",es=""), but it automaticly detects a modification on next migration
I tried to move the function in another file -> same issue (type object 'my filename' has no attribute 'defaultTraduction'
I tried to move the function in another file, and put it in a class ->
Then in my code it gives

class utils : 
     def defaultTraduction():
         return dict(fr="",en="",es="")


class Article
title = models.JSONField(default=utils.defaultTraduction)

And now i have a recon.models.utils.utils.defaultTraduction (stacked utils)

I seems that django doesn't really likes this defaut import, how to deal with ?
Thank you

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Simon Charette, 11 hours ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

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