#35256 closed Uncategorized (duplicate)
Strange/duplicate join clauses on queries with filter and annotations
Description ¶
The filtering/annotation on the same data behaves differently based on the order of operations.
See the below example models, code, and generate sql:
class PriceList(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(...) customer = models.ForeignKey(...) class PriceListItem(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(...) price_list = models.ForeignKey("PriceList", models.CASCADE) product = models.ForeignKey("Product", models.PROTECT, related_name="price_list_items") price = models.DecimalField(...) class Product(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(...) sku = models.CharField(...) # retrieve all products, with prices related to a certain customer. # The price should be null, if it is not specified for the customer, but the product should still be retrieved. q1 = Product.objects.annotate(price=F("price_list_items__price")).filter(Q(price_list_items__price_list__isnull=True) | Q(price_list_items__price_list__customer_id=1)).values("id", "price") # sql (WRONG): """ SELECT "product"."id", t4."price" FROM "product" LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list_item" ON ("product"."id" = "price_list_item"."product_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list" ON ("price_list_item"."price_list_id" = "price_list"."id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list_item" t4 ON ("product"."id" = t4."product_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list" t5 ON (t4."price_list_id" = t5."id") WHERE (t4."price_list_id" IS NULL OR t5."customer_id" = 1)) """ q2 = Product.objects.filter(Q(price_list_items__price_list__isnull=True) | Q(price_list_items__price_list__customer_id=1)).annotate(price=F("price_list_items__price")).values("id", "price") # sql: """ SELECT "product"."id", price_list_item."price" FROM "product" LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list_item" ON ("product"."id" = "price_list_item"."product_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list" ON ("price_list_item"."price_list_id" = "price_list"."id") WHERE (price_list_item."price_list_id" IS NULL OR price_list."customer_id" = 1)) """
I would expect the 2nd output from both queries. This caused some quite hard-to-detect bugs for us.
It works as expected for ForignKeys, e.g. the other direction:
q3 = PriceListItem.objects.annotate(sku=F("product__sku")).filter(product__sku__icontains="x").values("id", "sku") # sql """ SELECT "price_list_item"."id", "product"."sku" AS "sku" FROM "price_list_item" INNER JOIN "product" ON ("price_list_item"."product_id" = "product"."id") WHERE (UPPER("product"."sku"::text) LIKE UPPER('%x%')) """ q4 = PriceListItem.objects.filter(product__sku__icontains="x").annotate(sku=F("product__sku")).values("id", "sku") # sql """ SELECT "price_list_item"."id", "product"."sku" AS "sku" FROM "price_list_item" INNER JOIN "product" ON ("price_list_item"."product_id" = "product"."id") WHERE (UPPER("product"."sku"::text) LIKE UPPER('%x%')) """
To Summarize:
Filtering on a reverse relation does not reuse joins, if it was already declared in annotations, but adds more joins causing invalid queires because the extra joins do not have proper filtering.
The ORM generates this:
SELECT "product"."id", t4."price" FROM "product" LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list_item" ON ("product"."id" = "price_list_item"."product_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list" ON ("price_list_item"."price_list_id" = "price_list"."id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list_item" t4 ON ("product"."id" = t4."product_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list" t5 ON (t4."price_list_id" = t5."id") WHERE (t4."price_list_id" IS NULL OR t5."customer_id" = 1))
Instead of this:
SELECT "product"."id", price_list_item."price" FROM "product" LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list_item" ON ("product"."id" = "price_list_item"."product_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "price_list" ON ("price_list_item"."price_list_id" = "price_list"."id") WHERE (price_list_item."price_list_id" IS NULL OR price_list."customer_id" = 1))
Tested on django 4.1.7
Pretty sure this is a duplicate of #15049 without the aggregation part.
The TL;DR is that
won't reuse existing JOINs butannotate
will. Changing it now is non trivial as there are legitimate reasons for not doing so which makes be believe we need an optin mechanism when doing either about JOIN reuse.The reason why this happens is the following. When the annotation is made before it refers to the fullset of objects as
has not been called yet and thusfilter
lack of JOIN reuse avoids changing whatprice
refers to as it might have been referenced by other expressions since then. In the scenario the relationship is already filtered so by the point the annotation is made it can only refer to the filtered relationship. Whether or not this is intuitive is debatable but changing the ORM to do one over the other without option would be backward incompatible.