Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#3483 closed (fixed)


Reported by: Marc Fargas <telenieko@…> Owned by: nobody
Component: Documentation Version: dev
Severity: Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


The AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE isn't documented, the whole "Profile" support is undocumented except for a small reference to the 'get_profile' method in [source:django/trunk/docs/authentication.txt authentication docs] maybe it should be documented somewhere, the best source of information I could find about it is this b-list post, there is also this wiki page which should be updated to reflect this new setting maybe with a note to the documentation if it gets added.

On the code you can get a few more information: [source:django/trunk/django/contrib/auth/ here]

Attachments (2)

authentication.profile.diff (3.9 KB ) - added by adrian@… 18 years ago.
Patch adding "Extendig the profile system" to the documentation
authentication.profile-v2.diff (3.9 KB ) - added by adrian@… 18 years ago.
added "login required" to the view, and other small changes

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by James Bennett, 18 years ago

The Django book documents it:

That can probably be rolled in to the official docs, per plans to do that with most of the stuff in the book.

comment:2 by Simon G. <dev@…>, 18 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

comment:3 by anonymous, 18 years ago

This is still undocumented.

comment:4 by aribao@…, 18 years ago

Why is still undocumented? Are you planning to change it? I'm gonna start a big project and I need this feature, but please tell me if you plan to change this.
Is the setting AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE the right way to get it working?

comment:5 by Simon G. <dev@…>, 18 years ago

Why haven't we done it? Lack of time. Feel free to help out. If it's in the book it's not likely to change.

comment:6 by adrian@…, 18 years ago

I'll start to work on it today or on Friday. I hope I can submit the patch before next week.

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by adrian@…, 18 years ago

Replying to

I'll start to work on it today or on Friday. I hope I can submit the patch before next week.

By the way, I'm the same user as aribao@…, I just wrote other email.
adrian@… = aribao@… :-)

comment:8 by Simon G. <dev@…>, 18 years ago

that would be most appreciated!

by adrian@…, 18 years ago

Attachment: authentication.profile.diff added

Patch adding "Extendig the profile system" to the documentation

comment:9 by adrian@…, 18 years ago

Has patch: set

I have documented the extendable profile system. Most of the text comes from the djangobook because I'm Spanish and I thought it would be better to copy it rather than write it by myself.

Important: The patch MUST be reviewed by some native English speaker before applying it.

I hope it's ok.

by adrian@…, 18 years ago

added "login required" to the view, and other small changes

comment:10 by Simon G. <dev@…>, 18 years ago

Thank you! Jacob's just checking out the legalities of what can/can't be merged in from the Djangobook (we want to be very careful here for obvious reasons), but once that's sorted out we'll deal with it :)

comment:11 by James Bennett, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [6810]) Fixed #3483: Documented AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE and custom user profiles

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