Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#2990 closed defect (wontfix)

Spanish translation doesn't work properly

Reported by: iker.jimenez@… Owned by: hugo
Component: Translations Version: 0.95
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


I've created a new project following the tutorial up to the point where you can access the admin webpage. Added the LocaleMiddleware to the settings file and tried with different languages. I've noticed that the spanish [es] translation is not translating all the Strings. This can be observed in the main admin page, where all the Strings are translated but the "Groups" and "Users" ones, inside the Auth block. I've checked on the .po file that these strings are translated, I've also tried with other translations (french, italian, argentinian spanish) and all of them translate these strings.

I have observed this same behaviour with other models I've created by myself. Some of them get translated and some others not.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by ramiro <rm0 _at_>, 18 years ago

AFAIK the es translation hasn't been updated for several months now (see #1036), you can try the es_AR one or add yourself to the group of people working on it and contribute to get it up to date and maintain it for a future Django 1.0 release :)

comment:2 by Iker, 18 years ago

If you open the spanish [es] .po file and search for "Groups" and "Users" strings you will see that they are translated into spanish. Compare it with any other language you want, you won't find anymore "Groups" or "Users" strings than in the spanish one, so AFAIK the .po file is ready for these two terms. So either the .po file is somehow corrupt, or the .mo file is not correct or there is something in the django engine that doesn't work properly for this particular language.
The funny thing about this is that my own models show the same behaviour, some are translated and some not, so I thought that it was my error, until I realised that these strings that come from the django base installation are showing the same problem.

comment:3 by ramiro <rm0 _at_>, 18 years ago


Oh I see, That's because these strings are marked as fuzzy. The process of calling msgfmt on the .po files to create/update the .mo ones by default doesn't take in account the fuzzy translations. Since the Django bin/ script invokes msgfmt without the -f switch these translations aren't included.

So, again, the real problem here is the es translation has been unmaintained for nearly a year.

comment:4 by Iker,, 18 years ago

You're right. I also have fuzzy strings in my generated .po file. I didn't know what they were for. :D
Please feel free to change the status of the ticket to whatever it should be, I'm not used to this ticketing stuff.

Many thanks for your time.

comment:5 by hugo, 18 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

As noted, if the translations get rid of fuzzy translation strings, the results will work. So this ticket is closed, feel free to post updated translation files without the problems. :)

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