#29095 closed Bug (fixed)
QuerySet.count() with Sum window function generates invalid SQL on PostgreSQL
Description ¶
Using .count()
on the queryset from Sum
in Django 2.0 Window function yields the error
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: column "cms2_balances_base_v1.initial_balance" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: ...T "cms2_balances_base_v1"."pub_date" AS Col1, SUM("cms2_bala...
Here is the exact django code
from apps.cms2_balances.models import * from django.db.models import Avg, F, Max, Min, Window, Sum, Func t1 = obligor.basev1_set.annotate( cumulative_obligor=Window( expression=Sum(F('initial_balance')), partition_by=[F('currency'), F('obligor')], order_by=['pub_date', 'content_type_id', 'object_id'] ) ) t1.all() # <<< no error t1.count() # <<< yields error
The query of this queryset works when I run it in postgres directly. Here it is
SELECT "cms2_balances_base_v1"."obligor_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."originator_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."currency_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."content_type_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."object_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."pub_date", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."initial_balance", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."principal_balance", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."interest_balance", SUM("cms2_balances_base_v1"."initial_balance") OVER ( PARTITION BY "cms2_balances_base_v1"."currency_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."obligor_id" ORDER BY "cms2_balances_base_v1"."pub_date", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."content_type_id", "cms2_balances_base_v1"."object_id" ) AS "cumulative_obligor" FROM "cms2_balances_base_v1" WHERE "cms2_balances_base_v1"."obligor_id" = 2164 ;
Change History (7)
comment:1 by , 7 years ago
Summary: | count on queryset with sum window function in django 2.0 + postgres throws error → QuerySet.count() with Sum window function generates invalid SQL on PostgreSQL |
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Accepted |
comment:2 by , 7 years ago
comment:3 by , 6 years ago
Resolution: | → needsinfo |
Status: | new → closed |
Closing as needsinfo as I couldn't reproduce either. Feel free to reopen if you can provide more details.
comment:4 by , 5 years ago
Resolution: | needsinfo |
Status: | closed → new |
Hi There! I ran across this old bug and have some additional information to share. In my case the "missing ingredient" is when you join to another table and then include a column from the join table in the window function's ORDER BY clause.
I created a test to show the problem here:
The .count() function generates SQL as below. I've included a code comment above the problematic GROUP BY at the end
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT "expressions_window_employee"."id" AS Col1, SUM("expressions_window_employee"."salary") OVER (PARTITION BY "expressions_window_employee"."department" ORDER BY "expressions_window_employee"."hire_date", "expressions_window_employeeclassification"."description") AS "department_sum" FROM "expressions_window_employee" INNER JOIN "expressions_window_employeeclassification" ON ("expressions_window_employee"."classification_id" = "expressions_window_employeeclassification"."code") -- This GROUP BY seems unnecessary GROUP BY "expressions_window_employee"."id" ) subquery
comment:5 by , 5 years ago
Triage Stage: | Accepted → Unreviewed |
comment:6 by , 5 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Version: | 2.0 → 3.0 |
Fixed in 3f32154f40a855afa063095e3d091ce6be21f2c5. Christopher, thanks for tests.
I can't reproduce this. I'm using Django tests expressions_window app model, and trying with query:
What's the missing ingredient to make this crash? Or could this have been fixed subsequently?