#25527 closed Cleanup/optimization (duplicate)
Some formatting issues in the offline PDF documentation (1.8.5 - potentially also other versions)
Description ¶
Code examples in the "official" offline PDF documentation ( http://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/django/1.8.x/django.pdf ; available via the https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ site) appear not very readable (no appropriate formatting as "code box" insert) - first example see Sec. 2.1.1, p. 7 of the PDF, (mysite/news/models.py), many more code inserts in subsequent sections. This seems to be caused by inappropriate handling of "snippet:" tag in the documentation ".txt" source files by Sphinx.
Additional issue with inappropriate handling of
":ref:`Using cached sessions <cached-sessions-backend>`"
in docs/topics/performance.txt (line 277, leads to pdflatex compilation warnings and to the text "462paragraph*.1047" on page ii - between rows
3.21Performance and optimization ..... 458
3.22 Serializing Django objects ...465
) --> replacing :ref: by :class: and adapting the length of the subsequent ".." line would resolve that issue, e.g. (<new, >old):
diff topics/performance.txt topics/performance.txt_orig 278,279c278,279 < :class:`Using cached sessions <cached-sessions-backend>` < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --- > :ref:`Using cached sessions <cached-sessions-backend>` > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Suggested workaround / fix on an extracted Django source code archive for the "snippet:" issue:
find ./Django-1.8.5/docs -name "*.txt" -print -exec sed -e 's#.. snippet::#.. code-block::#' \ -e 's#code-block::$#code-block:: python#' -e 's#:filename:#:caption:#' -ibak {} \; cd ./Django-1.8.5/docs make latexpdf
Perhaps a Sphinx documentation guru might check / adapt that approach (e.g. to prevent unwanted side effects on offline HTML or ePUB document creation) and include the updates to the Django documentation sources if appropriate. (Unfortunately, I am just at the beginning of working with the Sphinx documentation tool, but the described procedure helped me to get a readable / printable PDF from the Django 1.8.x docs sources).
Thanks & best regards
Duplicate of #23751