Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#23536 closed Bug (invalid)
BinaryField on mysql gets retrieved as 'str', not as 'bytes'
Description ¶
I have a project that uses BinaryFields to pickle dynamic data.
Last week when migrating from sqlite to mysql
using MySQL-for-Python-3 the BinaryField now gets
retrieved as 'str'.
Reading the docs about BinaryField it says it is stored as 'bytes'.
I know mysql stores blobs
as text (right?) but in that case the problem is django's
In this particular case:
the attribute mymodel.myblob looked like: b'dadadadaa'
but type(mymodel.myblob) said it was a 'str'
(I'm bit outdated about latest python changes in strings, bytes
and unicode)
Anyways I had to bypass this different behaviour to act just
like the embedded sqlite driver. My 'solution' is not nice:
- I had to reparse the string to make it a 'bytes':
self._tags = eval('b"'+self.tags[2:-1]+'"')
- And add proxy points to get and set the blob
The code is located at:
This is a known limitation, documented in the third note here:
Now there's hope with a new fork of MySQLdb that we plan to promote (#23446),
If you make positive experiments with that driver, might be nice to comment on that ticket.