Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#20952 closed Cleanup/optimization (worksforme)
Django 1.5 Tutorial Part 3, Test after Update of Polls/ Fails
Reported by: | Owned by: | nobody | |
Component: | Documentation | Version: | 1.5 |
Severity: | Normal | Keywords: | views |
Cc: | Triage Stage: | Unreviewed | |
Has patch: | no | Needs documentation: | no |
Needs tests: | no | Patch needs improvement: | no |
Easy pickings: | no | UI/UX: | no |
Pull Requests: | How to create a pull request | ||
Description ¶
Good day,
I really appreciate the effort that you put forth. I hit a bit of wall last night, and perhaps should have picked up on it myself but I did the tutorials 1-3 back to back and maybe my brain was not %100. The test recommended after the user changes urls: "The next step is "Take a look in your browser, at “/polls/34/”. Unless the user has added another 33 records to polls_poll this fails, the majority of users would not have done that. It works perfect with /polls/1/. Using '34' is very confusing, especially for new users. I think it needs clarification which would need maybe one sentence.
Thank you,
Change History (8)
comment:1 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | → worksforme |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 by , 12 years ago
Good Morning,
I did not follow them out of order. If you look at tut 3, for 1.5. This is an exact quote from Part 3, Writing more views: "Take a look in your browser, at “/polls/34/”. It’ll run the detail() method and display whatever ID you provide in the URL. Try “/polls/34/results/” and “/polls/34/vote/” too – these will display the placeholder results and voting pages."
I imagine you are volunteer, but I have to say closing my topic without giving a chance to explain was a bit premature.
comment:3 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | worksforme |
Status: | closed → new |
comment:4 by , 12 years ago
It will display a placeholder page, won't it? There isn't any fetching from the database in the views that have been implemented thus far:
def detail(request, poll_id): return HttpResponse("You're looking at poll %s." % poll_id) def results(request, poll_id): return HttpResponse("You're looking at the results of poll %s." % poll_id) def vote(request, poll_id): return HttpResponse("You're voting on poll %s." % poll_id)
comment:5 by , 12 years ago
From the tutorial, right after what you have written it states:
"Take a look in your browser, at “/polls/34/”. It’ll run the detail() method and display whatever ID you provide in the URL. Try “/polls/34/results/” and “/polls/34/vote/” too – these will display the placeholder results and voting pages." This fails because there is no record 34. There is a record 1, and as I discovered it works with polls/1/. Here is my concern, you are an expert but someone like myself is brand new to django. When I read a tutorial I follow it step by step. As a beginner I have to trust a tutorial, that has been written and edited several times; when I get an error, I do not doubt the tutorial and I think I did something incorrect. The topic is slightly complicated as well, so I do not understand why the tutorial would use record 34, all it did is cause confusion. And really I cannot understand why you would not remove 34, or explain that you need to use an existing id. Again please try to look at this from a new learner's perspective and not an expert.
Thank you,
comment:6 by , 12 years ago
There shouldn't be a failure because the views (up to this point) simply display whatever ID you pass in the URL. The code does not verify that a poll with the given ID actually exists. Please tell me if I'm wrong.
comment:7 by , 12 years ago
Ohhh man do I feel dumb. I just checked it again. You are correct, it works perfectly with 34. Obviously I was doing something wrong.
My apologies. I will reread Part 3 again, I am obviously not understanding it as well as I should.
comment:8 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | → worksforme |
Status: | new → closed |
No problem, sorry it took me so long to convey my point. If you have any other suggestions, don't hesitate to let us know.
At that point in the tutorial, we've only stubbed out the views with something like
return HttpResponse("You're looking at poll %s." % poll_id)
-- there's no database operation yet. It sounds like you're following the tutorial out of order.