#20564 closed Bug (fixed)
Querying (exclude) on a GenericRelation's DateTimeField through a related object fails
Description ¶
While excluding directly on a GenericRelation's DateTimeField works (see c3 variable below), it does fail if there is a related object in between (c4). This does not occur if lookup is done on a CharField (c1 and c2).
Here are simple models to illustrate:
from django.db import models from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType class A(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length="50") flag = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') class Meta: app_label = 'foobar' class B(models.Model): a = generic.GenericRelation(A) class Meta: app_label = 'foobar' class C(models.Model): b = models.ForeignKey(B) a = generic.GenericRelation(A) class Meta: app_label = 'foobar' # Works: c1 = C.objects.exclude(a__name="foo") c2 = C.objects.exclude(b__a__name="foo") c3 = C.objects.exclude(a__flag=None) # Fails: c4 = C.objects.exclude(b__a__flag=None)
Find a workaround seems pretty tricky in some cases...
Change History (19)
comment:2 by , 12 years ago
Keywords: | datetimefield removed |
Severity: | Normal → Release blocker |
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Accepted |
I have confirmed this. The reason is the trim_prefix() code in split_exclude(). This code is really ugly (and I am to blame). Lets see if there is any easy fix for this. In any case rewriting the whole trim_prefix() logic will need to be done at some point.
The reason doesn't seem to be using a datetime field, it seems to be using a nullable field.
comment:3 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:4 by , 12 years ago
I think the split_exclude() + trim_start() interaction is now logically correct. Unfortunately the code is complex. Before it was complex and incorrect, now complex and (hopefully) correct.
The source of this complexity is SQL's NULL handling weirdness (everybody loves booleans which have three values, right?), and then in addition how IN (and especially NOT IN) work in SQL. NULLs in the inner and outer query will cause problems. Maybe cleaner code + more comments would help. But just writing these queries in plain SQL is a confusing task.
comment:6 by , 12 years ago
I just tried, unfortunately it seems the result count() is very diffent. Would you like me to provide some detailed tests?
comment:8 by , 12 years ago
Ok I updated the models to have a name CharField each, and inserted a few objects (see dump.json).
The 1.5 shell returned:
In [1]: from foobar.models import * In [2]: C.objects.exclude(a__flag=None).count() Out[2]: 5 In [3]: C.objects.exclude(b__a__flag=None).count() Out[3]: 4
While the new environment shell gives:
>>> from foobar.models import * >>> C.objects.exclude(a__flag=None).count() 0 >>> C.objects.exclude(b__a__flag=None).count() 0
Old results are expected, let me know if you need more information.
comment:9 by , 12 years ago
Are you sure you have same contentype IDs in both 1.5 and 1.6 databases? This will cause differing results. For the same reason the dump isn't easy to use - I don't actually know what the content_type values refer to in the dump.
The contenttype ID mismatch would explain the difference - every a__flag
is None if the contenttype ids do not match.
comment:10 by , 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure because I use the same database for both shells. I just switch from a 1.5 to a 1.6 (trunk) environment!
I uploaded the content types dump, where you see A, B and C are respectively 7, 8 and 9.
comment:12 by , 12 years ago
I believe 1.5 just didn't handle these queries correctly. For example the queryset C.objects.filter(b__a__flag=None)
resulted in this SQL:
SELECT "generic_relations_regress_c"."id", "generic_relations_regress_c"."b_id" FROM "generic_relations_regress_c" INNER JOIN "generic_relations_regress_b" ON ("generic_relations_regress_c"."b_id" = "generic_relations_regress_b"."id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "generic_relations_regress_a" ON ("generic_relations_regress_b"."id" = "generic_relations_regress_a"."object_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "django_content_type" ON ("generic_relations_regress_a"."content_type_id" = "django_content_type"."id") WHERE ("generic_relations_regress_a"."flag" IS NULL AND "django_content_type"."id" = 25 ) ORDER BY "generic_relations_regress_c"."id" ASC
Note the LEFT OUTER JOIN + contenttype id restriction in WHERE clause. That just can't be correct (the LEFT OUTER JOIN doesn't work if it is constrained like that in WHERE clause).
The 1.6 version is this:
SELECT "generic_relations_regress_c"."id", "generic_relations_regress_c"."b_id" FROM "generic_relations_regress_c" INNER JOIN "generic_relations_regress_b" ON ( "generic_relations_regress_c"."b_id" = "generic_relations_regress_b"."id" ) LEFT OUTER JOIN "generic_relations_regress_a" ON ( "generic_relations_regress_b"."id" = "generic_relations_regress_a"."object_id" AND ("generic_relations_regress_a"."content_type_id" = 28)) WHERE "generic_relations_regress_a"."flag" IS NULL ORDER BY "generic_relations_regress_c"."id" ASC
Note the content_type_id restriction in JOIN clause itself. This seems correct to me.
Also, in the JSON you gave there aren't actually any flag != null objects. So, the query C.objects.filter(a__flag=None)
will find every C object (either there is no A at all, or the a has flag=None), and thus C.objects.exclude(a__flag=None)
can't find anything.
So, I believe that you are getting incorrect results in 1.5. Of course, the results might be what you want, but they aren't what the queries should produce.
I wonder if we should add release notes about ORM changes...
comment:13 by , 12 years ago
I really do not understand the new logic. If we look only at the first query, with C objects and relationship with A. I'm looking for every C object having either no relation with any A object OR having a relationship only with some A objects having a value on the flag DateTimeField. Thus, I'm excluding every C object having a relation with some A objects having no value in the flag field.
This query makes sense to me:
I tried this one too:
... but the result is the same.
Does that make sense to you? Maybe I could find an example more explicit than A, B and C objects...
comment:14 by , 12 years ago
The logic is that now C.objects.exclude(a__flag=None)
works the same way, no matter if a
is a generic relation or normal reverse relation. That is, with models:
class C(models.Model): pass class A(models.Model): flag = models.DateTimeField() c = models.ForeignKey(C, related_name='a')
behaves the same way as with GenericRelation.
comment:15 by , 12 years ago
If the logic is better, fine. Now, I'm looking for another way to make my query through Django ORM? If not, this is a regression.
comment:16 by , 12 years ago
It is irrelevant if the new logic is better. It is how this ORM operation has been defined, the 1.5 code just didn't work the way it was supposed to work for GenericRelations.
So, the query is:
- all C objects with no a objects:
- OR having a relationship with A objects having a value <=> no flag is NULL
| ~Q(a__flag__isnull=True)
There queries are unfortunately very complex to write using the ORM. I am not sure if the above one is actually what you want... In addition, you will need a .distinct() in case some C has multiple a's each having non-null flag.
So, C.objects.filter(Q(a__isnull=True)|~Q(a__flag__isnull=True)).distinct()
I think there would be some room for better multijoin filtering capabilities in the ORM. These are complex to write using the ORM, complex to write using raw SQL (try to find computers that have exactly Windows 7 and Linux as their operating system set) and the queries the ORM produces for these filters aren't optimal.
This ticket doesn't seem to be the correct place to discuss this further. If you claim a regression or want to discuss about possible additions to ORM multijoin filtering capabilities the DevelopersMailingList is the correct place to do that. If you want to discuss about the needed ORM operations for the specific query, django-users might be the correct place to discuss that.
comment:17 by , 12 years ago
Thank you for your detailed answer. The query seems to return expected result.
I'll check that with my main application, and I'll try to fully understand why the 1.5 code didn't work the way it was supposed to for GR, because the old query seemed logical to me, while the new one is more complex.
Sorry, I forgot the main part, the traceback:
This is a regression because it worked well on 1.5 version, this commit seems responsible (blame on github):