Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#20219 closed Bug (wontfix)
block evaluation preceeds if-statement evaluation
Description ¶
I have a login page on my website that extends the base template. I a user is already logged in and visits the login page again, I want to show a notice saying that the user is already logged in.
The base.html template contains a
{%block meta%}{%endblock%}
placeholder in the head of the html document.
In the login page I added:
{%extends "base.html"%} {%if user and user.is_authenticated%} {%block meta%} <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/"> {%endblock%} {%block content%} You are already logged in, etc. {%endblock%} {%else%} show the login form, etc {%endif%}
The problem is that even when I'm not logged in, the meta-tag is still inserted in the html page. This causes the login form to be refreshed continuously, making it impossible to log in.
I have found a workaround: In the base template I placed an is_authenticated check around the meta block:
{%if user.is_authenticated%} {%block meta%}{%endblock%} {%else%} {%block meta_unauth%}{%endblock%} {%endif%}
This prevents the meta-tag from being placed on the page when the user is not authenticated (the meta block does not exist then).
It seems to me that the evaluation of the block- and if-statements is not in the correct order in the template, but it is in the correct order in the base.html template.
Conditionally overriding blocks isn't allowed (see previous tickets on this matter).