Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#1534 closed enhancement (wontfix)

[patch] Client-side encoding of admin logins

Reported by: Chris Beaven Owned by: Adrian Holovaty
Component: contrib.admin Version: 0.91
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request


Currently, passwords are sent via plain text when logging in.
Even though HTTPS is the ultimate solution, it would still be far more secure for clients to be able to send a digest instead. This has been discussed in #61, but the ticket description doesn't cover this specifically.

The patch attached lets the client handle hashing the password first if Javascript is enabled.

Passwords will be upgraded to a new algorithm which uses a psuedo-random salt based on username. This way, the client can calculate the salt rather than require a challenge-response.

Rather than sending the database hash, the hash itself is hashed for extra security.
The server provides half a random salt in the login form and the client generates the other half.

The server checks first against this secure password, then falls back to the raw password.

Change History (9)

by Chris Beaven, 19 years ago

Attachment: secure_login.diff added

comment:1 by jim-django@…, 19 years ago

So rather than looking in the corner of their browser for the well-known padlock to know their data is safe, they now have to read through javascript sources and decide if whether or not to trust the developer?

I don't like it. Using javascript for a solved problem "because you can" is not a good plan.

comment:2 by Jacob, 19 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I agree. HTTPS exists for a very good reason, and giving developers ways of working around a truely secure solution is encouraging the wrong type of behavior.

comment:3 by Chris Beaven, 19 years ago

While I understand and accept the "wontfix", the right way and what will get implemented are two different things.
Perhaps the login form should be made to work only if HTTPS is being used :|

comment:4 by inerte@…, 19 years ago

There are spy|malwares that once installed intercept whatever is submitted via forms and phone home. Hashing the information before doing it so avoids them.

HTTPS is a truly secure client-server solution but the 'net has other problems :)

comment:5 by boxed@…, 19 years ago

Hashing at the client side will add nothing to the protection of the sites admin though, just wanted to point that out.

comment:6 by Chris Beaven, 19 years ago

Well it will help the protection of a site's admin in the sense that there is less chance of an administrator's password being sniffed (unless a keylogger is being run).

My solution wasn't supposed to be just a work-around, as inerte@ pointed out. Extra security has always been a good thing in my books.

comment:7 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Ah, sorry boxed@, from reading your comment over at #61 I get what you mean now.
You are correct, this patch does not affect changing a password field via the administation interface. That could also be extended to do an initial client-side hash, but based on this wontfix it would be a pointless exercise.

comment:8 by Adrian Holovaty, 18 years ago

milestone: Version 0.92

Milestone Version 0.92 deleted

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