date formattings need to use technical message IDs
The date names currently are used directly. This leads to conflicts between the different versions of "May" (AP-Version, short version, long version - all the same message-ID, but in different languages they might be different). This should be changed so that month names use MAY_SHORT, MAY_AP and MAY_LONG (and other month names accordingly). The 'en' translatio must carry the original values, so that if a language isn't available, the english translation kicks in.
One little problem: if people disable the english translation and only run one translation that doesn't include those technical IDs, they will see the IDs themselves. But they can just update the translation to include the correct month names, so this isn't a big problem.
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
assigned → closed
Is this still an issue? I don't understand the problem...