Opened 19 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
#1278 closed enhancement (fixed)
MEDIA_URL needs to be accessible from templates
Reported by: | matt | Owned by: | Adrian Holovaty |
Component: | Template system | Version: | dev |
Severity: | minor | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Adrian Holovaty, Chris Beaven | Triage Stage: | Accepted |
Has patch: | yes | Needs documentation: | no |
Needs tests: | no | Patch needs improvement: | no |
Easy pickings: | no | UI/UX: | no |
Pull Requests: | How to create a pull request | ||
Description ¶
I didn't think of the potential security implications of this until I wrote it up (think {% get_setting DATABASE_PASSWORD %
}), but I think it could prove quite useful as a default templatetag.
class SettingNode(Node): def __init__(self, varname, setting): self.setting = setting self.varname = varname def render(self, context): context[self.varname] = self.setting return "" #@register.tag def get_setting(parser, token): """ Retrieve a setting from the current settings file. The optional as clause can control the variable to be added to the context, otherwise the setting asked for witll be added to the context. For example:: {% get_setting MEDIA_URL [as varname] %} If the setting does not exist in the current settings file, ``None`` will be returned. The following example will return a bulleted list of installed apps:: {% get_setting INSTALLED_APPS %} <ul> {% for app in INSTALLED_APPS %} <li>{{ app }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> """ bits = token.contents.split() if len(bits) == 2: varname = bits[1] elif len(bits == 4): varname = bits[3] else: raise TemplateSyntaxError, "'%s' takes either one or three arguments." % bits[0] try: setting = bits[1] imp = __import__('django.conf.settings', locals(), globals(), bits[1]) retsetting = getattr(imp, bits[1]) except AttributeError: retsetting = None return SettingNode(varname, retsetting) get_setting = register.tag('get_setting', get_setting)
Change History (24)
comment:1 by , 19 years ago
comment:2 by , 19 years ago
Here's a modified version that uses get_safe_settings
from django.views.debug
. It would probably be best to move get_safe_settings
to somewhere in django.utils
and call that from both the debug view and this templatetag.
from django.views.debug import get_safe_settings class SettingNode(Node): def __init__(self, varname, setting): self.setting = setting self.varname = varname def render(self, context): context[self.varname] = self.setting return "" #@register.tag def get_setting(parser, token): """ Retrieve a setting from the current settings file. The optional as clause can control the variable to be added to the context, otherwise the setting asked for witll be added to the context. For example:: {% get_setting MEDIA_URL [as varname] %} If the setting does not exist in the current settings file, ``None`` will be returned. The following example will return a bulleted list of installed apps:: {% get_setting INSTALLED_APPS %} <ul> {% for app in INSTALLED_APPS %} <li>{{ app }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> """ bits = token.contents.split() if len(bits) == 2: varname = bits[1] elif len(bits) == 4: varname = bits[3] else: raise TemplateSyntaxError, "'%s' takes either one or three arguments." % bits[0] try: settings = get_safe_settings() retsetting = settings[bits[1]] except KeyError: retsetting = None return SettingNode(varname, retsetting) get_setting = register.tag('get_setting', get_setting)
comment:3 by , 19 years ago
priority: | normal → lowest |
Severity: | normal → minor |
comment:4 by , 19 years ago
priority: | lowest → normal |
This would be very useful when developing - getting rid of hardcoded media paths being the major example. It's easy to pass <project>.settings to views in render and use settings.MEDIA_URL, but you can't do this for generic views.
comment:5 by , 19 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
Note that this tag can be written a lot more easily now with the simple_tag
And I'm marking it as a wontfix because if it goes into trunk, it'd be too easy for a template author to get sensitive settings such as the database password.
comment:6 by , 18 years ago
Cc: | added |
Resolution: | wontfix |
Status: | closed → reopened |
Summary: | Potentially useful get_setting templatetag → MEDIA_URL needs to be accessible from templates |
As a new user, I was shocked and frustrated to find that MEDIA_URL wasn't available in templates. And that you needed to write into every context, or make a custom tag, or context_processor just to get it! It's a seriously painful unnecessary complication and stumbling block for new users. Now I've got RequestContext crap all through my code for no good reason at all. What happened to DRY, less code is better? 99% of templates need access to this setting.
Obviously we don't want template authors having access to all settings though. Goes without saying.
Can I suggest either we select a few fundamentally important settings for template authors, and make them available via {{ settings.MEDIA_URL }} or even simply {{ MEDIA_URL }}. Or perhaps better still, to make it more self-explanatory, maybe we define a list in --
Example --
Or, if we prefer to be more specific --
comment:7 by , 18 years ago
Even if Django shipped a built-in context processor for retrieving some settings, you'd still need to use RequestContext
to get them to show up in your template contexts; there's no way around that. I do think there's utility in deciding on a set of default settings like MEDIA_URL
, etc. which are safe and which could have a built-in context processor.
Adding things to template contexts which are specific to the needs of your application is the job of custom context processors in your application; that's explicitly what context processors and RequestContext
are designed for.
comment:8 by , 18 years ago
Agreed, but context processors and RequestContext are overly and needlessly clunky for settings like MEDIA_URL which, lets be realistic for a second, are needed in 99.9% of all half serious web sites.
This is definitely only one of those 'little things'; but, it's one of those little things that's important, particularly for new users, and needs to be done right. See my post above for some suggestions on how to handle.
Come on people, using MEDIA_URL is not an exception here at all, it's the rule; and a good practice that should be encouraged by the framework right from square one.
comment:9 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | reopened → closed |
I don't buy the argument that 99.9% of all half serious Web sites "need" this setting. I haven't needed it in years.
Marking it as a wontfix, again.
comment:10 by , 18 years ago
For posterity, here is Simon's idea as a patch (which should have read "patch with docs").
Adrian, how do you link to your CSS in a template correctly without providing MEDIA_URL
, etc) to your templates or (ugh) hard-coding it?
comment:11 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | wontfix |
Status: | closed → reopened |
Yes yes, enlighten us, how do we link media without MEDIA_URL? I see the reason for wontfix last time was security. That's pretty obvious. Whats the reason this time?
comment:13 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | reopened → closed |
Hi Simon: My reasoning is, it's feature creep.
Please don't reopen this ticket. I've marked it as a wontfix.
comment:14 by , 18 years ago
Cc: | added |
Hey Adrian. Sorry to be a pain! Lets assume for a second it's feature creep. The question remains. How do we link media without MEDIA_URL?
comment:15 by , 18 years ago
Simon, you may be better off taking this discussion to the django developers group.
comment:16 by , 18 years ago
I don't really see a need for a {% media_url %} either. The get_img_tag method figures out by itself where the static dir is. If you need other methods to figure it out, it's easy too.
comment:17 by , 18 years ago
Not talking about imagefields and the like here, this is for all your flat files like css, logos/interface images, stock js's, etc. Hard-coding those into templates doesn't make sense; the framework encourages pluggability and separated delivery.
Anyway agreed the _constants idea is creep; _processors already handles that.
Still think MEDIA_URL should be a core tag, or made available through a default context_processor though, or something like that; so newbies in particular are encouraged to use it straight up. Theres numerous blogs and such out there showing workarounds, and plenty of queries have come in over it...
by , 18 years ago
Patch adding a 'media' context processor and associated documentation
comment:18 by , 18 years ago
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Design decision needed |
comment:19 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | wontfix |
Status: | closed → reopened |
Putting MEDIA_URL in RequestContext has been blessed by Adrian.
comment:20 by , 18 years ago
Has patch: | set |
Triage Stage: | Design decision needed → Accepted |
comment:21 by , 18 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | reopened → closed |
I don't think it should be a default tag, but maybe we can put it contrib for people who want it.