#12607 closed (invalid)
django.test.client.Client changes the HTTP method to "GET" when doing a redirect.
Description ¶
With the code:
Client().post(path, {}, follow=True)
where path causes a redirect, the HTTP verb will be changed to a GET. This is probably due to line 949 of http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk/django/test/client.py. _handle_redirect is called from post(), put(), delete() etc, even though it redirects by calling get().
(My knowledge of HTTP is hazy, but it seems wrong to change this.)
Workaround: make sure tests dont redirect (which probably means avoid the automatic redirection of leaving a '/' off the end of paths).
I'm experiencing this with Django 1.1, but it looks like its still present in svn.
Change History (3)
comment:1 by , 15 years ago
Resolution: | → invalid |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 by , 15 years ago
I just read through RFC2616 and you are correct that the spec says that you are supposed to redirect using the same request method, however the spec specifically notes that most clients transform any redirects into a GET, this is the behavior of most web browsers, AFAIK. I think the solution here might be for you to just use follow=False and do the redirect tracking manually, as I think the django test client wants to stay similar to browsers.
This is the intended behavior - the test client is doing exactly what a browser does. If you POST to a URL, and the POST returns a redirect, the browser doesn't POST the request to the redirected URL - it *always* uses GET for the redirected URL.