Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#11918 closed (invalid)

Admin URLs troubles

Reported by: Camilo Nova Owned by: nobody
Component: Contrib apps Version: 1.1
Severity: Keywords: admin urls 404
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request


Hi now i have:
Django version 1.2 pre-alpha

SNV Trunk Revision: 11585

When i start a new project:
$ startproject foo

by default creates the file in the folder foo, and this file has the line:
(r'admin/', include(,

to get easy to uncomment for access to admin, this line works fine in DEBUG=True, but when DEBUG=False admin says it dont find any module pages, if i just change that line for:

works great in DEBUG=False and DEBUG=True, why dont you change the default generation of this line, or tell us what happen in this case.


Change History (5)

by Camilo Nova, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by Camilo Nova, 15 years ago

Hi now i have: Django version 1.2 pre-alpha

SNV Trunk Revision: 11585

When i start a new project:

$ startproject foo

by default creates the file in the folder foo, and this file has the line:

(r'admin/', include(,

to get easy to uncomment for access to admin, this line works fine in DEBUG=True, but when DEBUG=False admin says it dont find any module pages, if i just change that line for:


works great in DEBUG=False and DEBUG=True, why dont you change the default generation of this line, or tell us what happen in this case.


comment:2 by Karen Tracey, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to report. What does "easy to uncomment" have to do with which line is present? You also don't give specifics on what exactly you do to generate the error you see, nor specifics of the error. A full traceback is much more helpful when reporting problems then "admin says <some paraphrase of an error message>".

At any rate, the line in question is correct for 1.1 and forward, regardless of DEBUG setting. The line you propose replacing it with was used for 1.0 and is on its way to being deprecated, so we won't be changing back to that for what startproject generates. If you need help figuring out why the generated line doesn't work for you with DEBUG set to False, please try reporting specifics of what you are doing and what you see as a result on the django-users mailing list or IRC, as it's mostly likely some config problem on your end and not a bug in Django.

comment:3 by tobydeh@…, 15 years ago

Component: django-admin.pyContrib apps
Keywords: admin urls 404 added
Needs tests: set
Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened
Version: SVN1.1

Unfortunately camilonova didn't leave a very good description of the problem, I'm encountering this error and have found a few other people talking about it too.

This is the first time, out of many django 1.1 deployments, that I have ever encountered this behaviour.

The admin site works as expected for a while, and then randomly starts returning 404 whist browsing / editing content. I returned the exception data from handlers/ before it had a chance to render the 404 page and it turns out that django stops adding the urls for the installed apps... a few refreshes later and pages start re appearing.

This only seems to happen when DEBUG is set to False meaning you never get any feedback on what urls django is matching against. The exception data isn't passed through to the 404 template.

Something causes django to stop appending the installed models to the admin url patterns, I haven't managed to find a consistent method of replicating the problem, its just a case of clicking around until it starts throwing 404's.

I read that someone managed to fix the issue by using the following:

from django.db import models

in after calling admin.autodiscover(). I can't imagine how on earth it would help but im giving it a go because I haven't got anything else to go on!

comment:4 by tobydeh@…, 15 years ago

Needs tests: unset
Resolution: invalid
Status: reopenedclosed

Sorry, this is not a django issue the registration of models with the admin site should not live in

Taken from:

"You've put your call in This should go
in an file, not Whether your model is registered with
admin is being determined by the accident of whether your file has
happened to be loaded at the time you attempt to access it in admin. Your file will have been loaded when running under the development
server, since it does explicit model validation during startup. Similarly
the admin validation done when DEBUG=True will have ensured that your file is loaded when you first attempt to access admin.

When running under Apache with DEBUG=False, however, there has not
necessarily been any need to load your by the time you attempt to
access admin. That's why you are getting 404 errors...that call to has not yet been made.

admin.autodiscover() and placing admin registrations in files (what
are loaded by admin.autodiscover()) ensures that model registrations happen
once and only once, at a predictable time, regardless of deployment scenario
and debug setting. If you move your admin registrations to an admin"

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