Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#1087 closed defect (fixed)

conf/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po has mistranslated strings

Reported by: Yango Owned by: hugo
Component: Internationalization Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request


Where it says:

#: core/
#, python-format
msgid "Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digit."
msgid_plural ""
"Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digits."
msgstr[0] ""
"Por favor, introduzca un número decimal válido con al menos %s dígito total."
msgstr[1] ""
"Por favor, introduzca un número decimal válido con al menos %s dígitos "

It should say

#: core/
#, python-format
msgid "Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digit."
msgid_plural ""
"Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digits."
msgstr[0] ""
"Por favor, introduzca un número decimal válido con a lo más %s dígito."
msgstr[1] ""
"Por favor, introduzca un número decimal válido con a lo más %s dígitos."

Change History (3)

comment:1 by hugo, 19 years ago

please just upload a changed .po file, so I can add it. I prefer not to edit language files directly, because I can't control any errors as I don't speak most of the available languages (and sometimes encoding problems might just break stuff).

by Yango, 19 years ago

Attachment: django.po added

.po file, check #1088 too, as there it is a new version with a string added (I don't know if it will finally be added as is, but FWI)

comment:2 by hugo, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [1742]) fixes #1087 - updated 'es' translation

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