Ticket #8132: 8132.tutorial.diff

File 8132.tutorial.diff, 1.7 KB (added by Julien Phalip, 16 years ago)
  • django/django/docs/tutorial02.txt

    435435On a similar note, you might want to customize the look and feel of the Django
    436436admin index page.
    438 By default, it displays all available apps, according to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``
    439 setting. But the order in which it displays things is random, and you may want
    440 to make significant changes to the layout. After all, the index is probably the
     438By default, it displays all available apps -- according to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``
     439setting -- in alphabetical order. Yet, you may want to change that order or even
     440make significant changes to the layout. After all, the index is probably the
    441441most important page of the admin, and it should be easy to use.
    443443The template to customize is ``admin/index.html``. (Do the same as with
    444444``admin/base_site.html`` in the previous section -- copy it from the default
    445445directory to your custom template directory.) Edit the file, and you'll see it
    446 uses a template tag called ``{% get_admin_app_list as app_list %}``. That's the
    447 magic that retrieves every installed Django app. Instead of using that, you can
    448 hard-code links to object-specific admin pages in whatever way you think is
    449 best.
     446uses a variable called ``app_list``. That's the variable that contains every
     447installed Django app. Instead of using that, you can hard-code links to
     448object-specific admin pages in whatever way you think is best.
    451450Django offers another shortcut in this department. Run the command
    452451``python manage.py adminindex polls`` to get a chunk of template code for
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