Ticket #7016: atom_rss_feed_dates_fix.4.diff

File atom_rss_feed_dates_fix.4.diff, 4.5 KB (added by ccahoon <chris.cahoon@…>, 17 years ago)

Nuked an important include fixing a typo, this is the working version

  • django/contrib/syndication/feeds.py

     1from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    13from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ObjectDoesNotExist
    24from django.template import loader, Template, TemplateDoesNotExist
    35from django.contrib.sites.models import Site, RequestSite
    24from django.utils import feedgenerator
     5from django.utils.tzinfo import FixedOffset
    36from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, iri_to_uri
    124127                author_link = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_author_link', item)
    125128            else:
    126129                author_email = author_link = None
     131            pubdate = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_pubdate', item)
     132            now = datetime.now()
     133            utcnow = datetime.utcnow()   
     135            # Must always subtract smaller time from larger time here.
     136            if utcnow > now:
     137                sign = -1
     138                tzDifference = (utcnow - now)
     139            else:
     140                sign = 1
     141                tzDifference = (now - utcnow)
     143            # Round the timezone offset to the nearest half hour.   
     144            tzOffsetMinutes = sign * ((tzDifference.seconds / 60 + 15) / 30) * 30
     145            tzOffset = timedelta(minutes=tzOffsetMinutes)
     146            pubdate = pubdate.replace(tzinfo=FixedOffset(tzOffset))
    127148            feed.add_item(
    128149                title = title_tmp.render(RequestContext(self.request, {'obj': item, 'site': current_site})),
    129150                link = link,
    130151                description = description_tmp.render(RequestContext(self.request, {'obj': item, 'site': current_site})),
    131152                unique_id = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_guid', item, link),
    132153                enclosure = enc,
    133                 pubdate = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_pubdate', item),
     154                pubdate = pubdate,
    134155                author_name = author_name,
    135156                author_email = author_email,
    136157                author_link = author_link,
  • django/utils/tzinfo.py

    1414class FixedOffset(tzinfo):
    1515    "Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC."
    1616    def __init__(self, offset):
    17         self.__offset = timedelta(minutes=offset)
    18         self.__name = u"%+03d%02d" % (offset // 60, offset % 60)
     17        if isinstance(offset, timedelta):
     18            self.__offset = offset
     19            offset = self.__offset.seconds // 60
     20        else:
     21            self.__offset = timedelta(minutes=offset)
     23        self.__name = u"%+03d%02d" % (offset / 60, offset % 60)
    2025    def __repr__(self):
    2126        return self.__name
    2934    def dst(self, dt):
    3035        return timedelta(0)
    3237class LocalTimezone(tzinfo):
    3338    "Proxy timezone information from time module."
    3439    def __init__(self, dt):
  • django/utils/feedgenerator.py

    2222from django.utils.xmlutils import SimplerXMLGenerator
    2323from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode, iri_to_uri
    2424import datetime, re, time
    25 import email.Utils
    2726def rfc2822_date(date):
    28     return email.Utils.formatdate(time.mktime(date.timetuple()))
     27    # We do this ourselves to be timezone aware, email.Utils is not tz aware.
     28    if date.tzinfo:
     29        time_str = date.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ') 
     30        offset = date.tzinfo.utcoffset(date)       
     31        timezone = (offset.days * 24 * 60) + (offset.seconds / 60)
     32        hour, minute = divmod(timezone, 60)
     33        return time_str + "%+03d%02d" % (hour, minute)
     34    else:
     35        return date.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000')
    3037def rfc3339_date(date):
    3138    if date.tzinfo:
    32         return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
     39        time_str = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') 
     40        offset = date.tzinfo.utcoffset(date)       
     41        timezone = (offset.days * 24 * 60) + (offset.seconds / 60)
     42        hour, minute = divmod(timezone, 60)
     43        return time_str + "%+03d:%02d" % (hour, minute)
    3344    else:
    3445        return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
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