Ticket #6795: i18ncontributing.diff

File i18ncontributing.diff, 807 bytes (added by Vegpuff, 17 years ago)

i18n contributing documentation

  • docs/contributing.txt

    330330    * Join the `Django i18n mailing list`_ and introduce yourself.
    331331    * Create and submit translations using the methods described in the
    332332      `i18n documentation`_.
     333    * If you are adding/correcting translations, please make a diff[ of the .po
     334      file] against the current subversion trunk version and attach the patch
     335      to a ticket in Trac.
     336    * Make sure that  (`` bin/compile-messages.py -l <lang>``) runs without
     337      producing any warnings before uploading the patch.
    334339.. _Django i18n mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/django-i18n/
    335340.. _i18n documentation: ../i18n/
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